Baby Shower

Don’t Stress Over The Economy


These days, when we’re worrying about the recession and where our next crust is coming from and how we will afford shoes for the children, it’s nice to have something to look forward to. In Britain we’re looking forward to a hike in tax and thousands of public sector employees becoming redundant at the beginning of next year, but on the other hand, the economy will ebb and flow, or boom and bust depending on the incumbent finance minister’s ability to do their job.

This means that eventually, no matter what they do, the economy shall recover, not withstanding unemployment and taxation. As the old saying goes, “This too shall pass” so don’t worry, keep your head down and remember to look forward to your week away at theMarriot Mumbai. Or, if you’re more prone to flights of impulse, take next month’s salary and ‘invest’ it in Caribbean spa holidays We know that procrastination is the thief of time so why wait? On the other hand, perhaps that’s not the best notion, going on a beano to reduce your stress levels when you’ve just spent the kids’ school lunch money on massage therapies and facials! It’ll spoil your whole post-therapy buzz if you come home to the children looking tattered and hungry.You could bring them along with you but they’re one of the primary causes of your tension, they pay nothing for their own up keep and persist in making those whining noises if you fail to obey their constant demands for food or attention. No, far better to take off for the Leela Goa alone. Ask a friend if they would come to the house a day or two in the week to walk the dogs and throw some lumps of meat to the ravening offspring. When we were smaller we were beaten because it was expected to be character building, today thrashings are discouraged but having Tarquin and Jocasta learn a few life lessons while fending for themselves will equip them nicely for life in the Big Wide World.

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Baby Shower