Oh Baby! How to Economize on Baby Shower Graphics

Even though the economy isn’t great right now, people still want to throw beautiful baby showers. The key to doing this in a down economy is to save money in areas that won’t be noticed. That can start with the baby shower invitations and include the decorations and any scrapbooks created to commemorate the event.

One of the means to do that is to find good free baby clip art. Very often you can find very nice free images online. Just search for “free baby shower clip art,” plus the type of image you want. For instance, if you’d like pink baby girl clip art, type those words or some variation. The same will work with virtually any theme you can think of, although the more obscure the concept, the less likely it will be that you’ll get enough good search results. If you’re lucky enough to find high resolution art when you search, you’ll open up more options for using it. That’s because print projects such as invitations or decorations require high resolution images. You can’t use low-resolution images because the final printed piece would be low quality. That would, of course, be unacceptable for baby shower decorations or invitations.

Baby shower clipart isn’t the only free resource you can find on the ‘Net. There are also many sites that present baby scrapbook pages. Many scrapbooking paper and embellishment designers give away free versions of their baby scrapbooking layouts to promote for-sale products or their  pages that display advertising. Either of these models  give them a financial incentive to offer scrapbook paper and embellishment freebies. No matter why the free scrapbook materials are offered, the new mom wins! There are almost as many baby scrapbook themes as there are stars in the sky, so that means you’ll probably be able to make shower invitations and decorations from them if you can’t find suitable clip art. Themes range from goofy to vintage to classy. Vintage baby art is all the rage right now, so you might want to try searching for free vintage baby scrapbook embellishments. A mom-to-be who loves this kind of art would probably be so pleased to have it as her shower theme!

It goes without saying that all the clip art, scrapbook papers and embellishments can also be used to preserve baby shower memories forever in a scrapbook that can be given to the mom-to-be. That means any image searching you do will pay off in more ways than one, giving the new mom a baby shower she’ll remember forever.

Baby Food Recipes Are As Simple As Operating A Food Processor

Baby food recipes should be kept as simple as possible. This will ensure the best health and nutrition for your baby. Try to include as many foods as possible to ensure variety and get your baby used to the taste of different foods. Do remember though that some of the foods us adults enjoy will not be good for baby because there are certain foods that are unsafe for babies to eat.

Salt is one of the foods you should not feed to a baby, it can lead to many health issues. Another food to avoid feeding to your baby is honey. Honey can cause botulism in infants less than one year old. Peanut butter, or any nuts for that matter should be avoided with small children. Is not possible for small child to tell you when they are experiencing the discomfort associated with allergies. Peanuts can also be fatal for children with seious allergies.

For making your own baby food you will only need a few items. Plastic storage bags and a marker, ice cube trays and a food processor are all you’ll need to get started.

Keep all ingredients natural when creating your recipes- organic is even better. Also make sure the food is as fresh as possible. When buying fruits and vegetables, look for those that are currently in season. Generally this produce is purchased and sold in large volume, ensuring that you get the freshest, and cheapest, product available. Or, why try not growing your own?

When preparing fruits and vegetables, all you’ll need to do is wash peel, de-seed and blend to achieve the right consistency. For fruits and vegetables containing less natural water, you will want to add a small amount of water. For some of these vegetables containing less water, potatoes, sweet potatoes and certain varieties of squash for example, you may want to add a small amount of formula or breast milk. This same method works quite well with bananas.

As far as meats and casseroles go, you will simply prepare the same meal you are preparing for the rest of the family. Be aware of added salt when you’re doing this however and omit it while cooking. You’ll usually need to add a small amount of water or milk to baby’s portion to sufficiently moisten it. It is a wise move to prepare more than the child will need for this one meal, and freeze the rest for convenience.

Pour the left over meal into the ice cube trays, and wait until it is frozen. Once frozen you may place these cubes into plastic storage bags or containers, and mark with indelible marker. You want to be sure to add the item description as well as the date it was prepared.

As you can see, homemade baby food is a great choice for both you and your baby. It is very cost effective and doesn’t take much time to prepare. At the same time you’ll be ensuring your baby recieves a healthy nutritious meal. The important thing is to keep your baby food recipes as natural and simple as possible.

Top Car Seat Secrets

Evenflo, the individuals that are synonymous with the terms infant, make infant bottles, but as well create the Evenflo car seats.

Triumph DLX Convertible Car Seat

Rear or frontward facing, these Evenflo car seats do not have detachable base, but do have a 5-point adaptable safety harness. The dissimilar recline positions are also adaptable. The heaviness limit for the unit is 5-40 pounds. There is also an Evenflo Triumph Advance LX Convertible Car Seat – Harbortown, which features such things as a cup holder which folds down, as well as it will accommodate a growing up child very well, like a lot of the Evenflo car seats do.

Evenflo 5 Infant Car Seat – Cumberland

The particular model of Evenflo car seats is compatible for babies weighing 5-22 pounds, and is rear facing only. The base, however, fits very simply utilizing either the LATCH system or the car’s seat belts.

A special window is available that presents the viewpoint position in addition to a handy angle indicator either displaying red, as not right, or green as it is in its proper position. This safety harness has five points to it, but it also has two part buckle positions as well as three diverse shoulder harness positions.

The design on the washable substance is either a Rainforest model that hides stains and such extremely simply. Or it also comes in 3’s Company, that presents blue plaid and tan decorated with a variety of animals, and in Pink Embrace, which is a wonderful pink color for little girls. It does have an infant head support that is detachable.

Evenflo Generation Car Seat

This particular model of Evenflo car seats is especially made for kids that have reached a 20-pound weight and is practical till a kid is 100 pounds. It is actually a harness booster seat. The adjustable harness may adapt to your kid’s growth or heavy and large seasonal clothes.

The Benefits Of Breast Feeding Far Outweigh The Difficulties

Of course you want to give your baby the best start in life and breast feeding is the single most important thing you can do to protect your baby and help to promote his good health. Another of the many benefits of breast feeding is that it costs absolutely nothing!

While breast feeding can save you a lot of money on buying formula, it can also help with your doctor’s bills. Statistics show that breast fed babies get sick less often than formula fed babies. When they do succumb to illness they usually have a milder form and recover much quicker. Bottle fed babies suffer more often with respitory infections, ear infections and other medical problems. 

This can be even more true if your family has had a history of allergies.  When a baby is breast fed, the antibodies pass on from the mother to the baby, helping to protect against illness and allergies.  As your baby’s system matures, his body will begin to make it’s own antibodies and he’ll be more equipped to handle sensitivities of food.

Sucking on the breast will also help with the development or jaw alignment and the development of the cheekbone.  For this very reason, there is less of a need for costly orthodontic work when the child gets older.

Breast milk is more convenient. It is available 24/7 and is always at the correct temperature for feeding. Breast milk also contains all the necessary nutrients in the way of vitamins and minerals for a growing baby. 

Breast feeding also offers many benefits for the mom as well.  The baby sucking at the breast will cause contractions right after birth, leading to less bleeding for the mom, and helping her uterus to it’s shape before pregnancy much faster. Breast feeding will also burn calories, so a mom can lose weight much faster than if she fed her baby with a bottle.  Breast feeding will also create a special bond with the mother and the baby – which is one thing formula simpy cannot do.

It must be said however that not all mums are able to breast feed. If this is the case for you there is no need to feel guilty. Bottle feeding will still give your baby a good start in life. Baby formula has been considerably improved and now contains most of the components of breast mild including omega 3 and pro-biotics.

Milestones from 1 to 2 Years

It is great to watch your child develop. Every parent awaits in anticipation to see these moments. Your baby’s body needs to get prepared for any particular action. External factors are involved in this development as it varies within each baby.

Nutrition plays a vital role in development. Sleep is the maximum growth period. Realize that new born babies sleep almost all day. Duration of sleep varies with age. Your baby is always growing so at this age take care of what you feed. When he reaches one year, he will begin to pick things up, try getting into a standing position, feed himself and clap his hands. His muscles also increase day by day.

Feed your baby with a more nutritious food for maximum growth spurts. A malnourished baby does not develop soon. At the time your baby reaches 13 to 15 months, he will play with his toys and try to talk. You will also see that he walks without support. Some babies walk within 6 months but this is very unusual. Toys also help your baby to develop soon. Like if you play a bosendorfer baby piano, your baby will move his body and try to dance with the rhythm. At about 18 to 20 months, he will climb stairs and walk with support. At this age he will play with building blocks and feed himself well. He will also like cartoons and watch television. Your baby will talk unclearly and do a lot of mischief.

When your baby reaches his second birthday, he will become more active constantly doing mischief and messing up everything. Therefore, you too have to be active and maintain safety precautions at home. Every child is different so you may have to be cautious more or less. Your baby might dump and fall into everything and hurt himself quite a lot. This should be prevented because if in case he hurts his head, this is harmful for his brain as the head is still very sensitive.

Take care of such things and have a great time watching your baby grow and develop at the same time.