Baby Shower

How to Plan a Baby Shower – First Time to Host

Planning for a baby shower can be a little bit of like planning a wedding or a bridal shower for that matter. As a host of the party, you would want it to be perfect in every way, and you would want the party to be fun and memorable, especially for the mom-to-be or parents-to-be.

Now, if it’s your first time to host, it is  quite understandable that you don’t know where to start or what to expect. At the same time, you want it to be special for yourself as well.

Now I’m pretty sure the pressure is on and you may be stressing right now.

Well guess what? It ain’t that hard once you get the hang of it. Here are the basics to help make the baby shower planning easy and fun too.

First on the checklist is the place or venue where you will have the baby shower. Every place is perfect, as long as the mom-to-be or parents-to-be are comfortable with the choice. So, always seek the mom-to-be’s preference, whether to have it outdoors or in a restaurant or at home or in one of the family or friend’s house.

Once you have the place where to have the party, the next thing is to plan the guest list with the mom-to-be or parents-to-be. Will they prefer for a small and intimate gathering or a huge  co-ed baby shower.

Next is to plan on the date. Now, there is no right or wrong date and time. You only need to ensure that the mom-to-be is in her pregnancy stage where she is most comfortable. Because you want her to have fun and not feel stessed or tired.

Now, the next is the fun part. Decide on the baby shower theme. Whether you’re having a gender focused theme, when the baby’s gender is already known or a unisex theme for parents who prefer to learn of their baby’s gender after birth.  Now having a theme helps make everything come together, from decorations to invitations, and to food.

There are so many baby shower themes to choose from. Check out my previous posts on baby shower themes for some ideas.

Once you have the place, guest list and time. You can now work on sending invites. Make sure that you include all the significant information: place/venue, date and time, the theme, and the gift registry.  Now, a baby shower etiquette is to send the invitation to guests weeks (atleast 3-4 weeks) before the date. This is in order for them to book the date on their schedule, prepare for their gift/s, and also prepare for transportation for guests who will have to travel.

When you have all the basics organized, then you are good to go from here. The next one is the food. It ain’t a party without something to munch on or drink. Your food menu depends on your time, venue, number of guests, and also your theme. Prepare food that the mom-to-be will enjoy, and at the same time add to the decors and give the feels and vibe of your theme.

Then, the next is to work on your decorations. Depending on the theme and venue, you can have a lavish and elaborate decorations or go relatively simple. You don’t have to spend much for the decors actually, you can opt for DIY decors or welcome friends to help you decorate the place.

Last but certainly not the least, prepare fun activities and games that everyone will surely enjoy participating. And just like in every party, prepare for a little memento for your guests. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something simple to serve as a thank you token.

Finally, wether you are having a small or big party, it helps to seek help from family and friends, especially those who may have experience hosting.

Goodluck on your first baby shower hosting.

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Baby Shower