Baby Shower

How to Write a Baby Shower Thank You Card

The baby shower is over and everyone has gone home. It was a fun, memorable and successful party. Eventhough you have openned your gifts during the shower and have thanked each one of your guests in person, it is still an intimate gesture to pen a baby shower thank you card, something that is hand-written and personalized.

The guests to your baby shower are your people, they are the ones who will come running and lend a hand when you needed help, especially after the baby is born. You will need them in one way or the other for parenting advice, for companionship, and even to help you look after the baby or prepare meals, among others. Hence, it’s best to show them how much you appreciate their gesture and how much they mean to you through your thank you card.

If you find it hard to put into words your appreciation and what is in your heart, don’t worry. Here is a walkthrough to guide you in coming up with the most heartfelt baby shower thank you card.

When is the best time to send a baby shower thank you card?

The soonest possible is the best time. The standard etiquette when it comes to baby shower thank you card is two to three weeks after the baby shower. If that timelines is unachievable for you, at least make sure that you have sent them before childbirth.

It would also help to have plans early hand:

1. Buy starionery or have a personalized starionery or thank you card before the baby shower;
2. Keep record of the gifts you have received and from whom it was. That way you will be able to remember who gave you what to help you personalized your note;
3. Set a goal or make a calendar or timeline: how many thank you card to make each day or every other day, including the session: are you going to do it after dinner or daytime after breakfast, whichever works for you; and
4. Finish the thank you card before the baby is born, because once the baby arrives, you will be busier than you can imagine.

Who do you need to thank?
You need to send thank you card to everyone who came to your baby shower, all those who attended virtually, and even those who only sent their gifts because they really could not attend in person or vistually. If some of your friends chipped-in to buy you gifts, you still need to thank them individually. If for instance ten or more of your friends or colleagues parhaps contributed for the gift, you can send them thank you note thru email or personal message thru social media, but if you can manage to write a thank you card for each, it is much better.

So, now you know when you should send a thank you card and who you need to send them to, and the preparation or planning you have to make before the baby shower. In my next post, I will walk you through how to write a thank you card, what to write and the wordings for those who came in person or virtually, and appropriate for the gifts they gave – items or money, how do you thank them, and all that.

Hope this one helped you take note of the very first things to consider before the baby shower, as far as baby shower thank you card is concern.

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Baby Shower