Baby Shower

Preterm Infants

All infants are precious, and this is never more evident if you see preterm babies. They are so tiny, yet so strong on many occasions, and they will always steal your heart away. For those who have a premature baby, you may feel overwhelmed and stressed out, but remember to take a moment to marvel in your baby. Accept congratulations without the buts floating around in your thoughts, and continue to enjoy the early months of your baby’s life. Things are not as you thought they would be, so adjust if you can so your memories are not all sad and stressful.


It is usually easy to think about your preterm newborns or baby and think about all of the medical problems they may be having. When you notice them, you may see lots of wires, tubes, and medical monitors hooked up to their tiny bodies. This really is hard to see. If you step into a NICU and see many preterm babies like this, you can find totally overwhelmed. See if you possibly could get some privacy with just your baby so you can adjust. After just a few visits you might stop seeing the wires and tubes. You will just see your precious baby. It will get easier.

Preterm babies have special needs, and you’ll feel helpless. Don’t feel that way. Do what you must do to feel that you will be caring for your baby, even when the nurses and doctors must do the majority of the care. If you possibly could, change the tiny diaper or help with the tube feeding. Bring in clothes made for premature newborns so when your baby can wear them, they have something from home to wear. Bring in receiving blankets for your baby, can be earning ! that preterm babies need hats to stay warm.

Ask plenty of questions about any particular item going on and what’s going on with your baby. Nurses will keep details of what is going on with other preterm infants private, but you can ask general questions or questions specific to your child. If you want to know what a number on a monitor means – ask. If you wonder why your baby is having a procedure,  find out why. The more you learn about what’s going on, the better you will feel. You will feel more in control and you won’t be as scared when an alarm goes off or a number changes drastically.

Some parents neglect to take pictures of their preterm infants, thinking that they don’t want to remember them this way. While this is always a personal choice, take it from anyone who has spent nearly three months with her own preterm baby – you will want to remember. It may be painful, but development of the child first months of your baby’s life. The background and the tubes may not seem like good fodder for photographs, but your baby continues. Hopefully, your preterm newborns or baby will grow to be strong and healthy, and you’ll look back at those photos with a tear and smile, knowing you have witnessed a miracle.

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Baby Shower