Baby Shower

Problems With The Pregnancy Timeline

I wanted to write briefly about what you should expect when you are pregnant. You go through many different stages along the pregnancy timeline and a lot of these can be tough. I am going through the same thing at the moment so I wanted to give you some reassurances.

It was just after my period was due when I found out I was pregnant. That is quite early along the pregnancy timeline. My partner and I had been trying for a couple of months so I was checking regularly. At the beginning you don’t know how to feel. It can be quite a scary experience. I was quite worried at the time.

I would advise that you go to the doctors as soon as you find out. There isn’t a lot they can tell you but it helps to know that. I was still very unsure when I left but at least I had an appointment booked with the midwife. My midwife was lovely and see really made me feel comfortable about being pregnant. She went through everything on the pregnancy timeline with me.

Do you feel pregnant yet? It won’t take long until you do and then it will hit you all of a sudden. The thing that affected me the most was the tiredness. I was tired around the clock. I had problems getting out of bed in the morning and after work all I wanted to do was lie on the sofa. All I did was lie on the sofa.

These weren’t the only pregnancy symptoms I suffered from. I had an increased sense of smell which made me feel sick all the time. I couldn’t go into some rooms of my flat because of the smell. I also had headaches and other joint aches.

I am now at the point in the pregnancy timeline where I have now passed those problems because I am in my 2nd trimester. I have been told that it gets tougher towards the end but I am ready for that.

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Baby Shower