Baby Shower

Understanding The Growing Process Of Daughters

It is definitely not an easy task to be the parent of a girl that is turning into a woman. It’s difficult to keep up with the myriad of changes that happen almost daily in your own household. Your daughter is not the only one facing a great deal of confusion. You, as well, are finding this stage to be difficult.

When she was just a little one, things were a bit simpler. From baby cribs to little girl dresses, it was easier for you to parent her. The whole world was so brand new that you could watch her take it all in and understand her. As she started to grow up, somewhere along the line, things changed.

Her girls sweatshirts have been tossed into a bin somewhere and she suddenly dresses like she’s part of the underworld. Her life is changing so fast that she may not wake up the same person tomorrow as she presents to you today. Her thoughts change dramatically and you’re just expected to keep up.

It’s like one day you notice that she has given into to something. Her shirts for girls are more like shirts that you would expect to find on a twenty something beach bombshell and her body is suddenly looking a lot like that of someone who is well beyond her years. Her music has even changed. Long gone is the innocent pop music. It’s been replaced with some sort of angered expression of her newly developed angst.

Of course, you are not the only parent to explore this rather difficult time. We all watch our daughters struggle to find out more about themselves and how they fit into the big picture. Their drama seems to be increasing while their thoughts turn to more intense ideas than we could ever really imagine. It’s frightening and yet perfectly natural.

In the past ten or so years there has been a significant increase in the speed at which girls mature. With surprising speed, a little girl is suddenly looking like a young woman before she even reaches her teens. She keeps you at bay because she isn’t completely sure whose side you’re on.

As she continues to grow and develop she certainly has her work cut out for her. The roles of women are no longer easily defined, and all of those choices that are laid out in front of her can cause her to try on many different hats in a short period of time. The best thing you can do is offer her guidance whether she’s asking for it or not, and try to respect the journey she’s on. Have faith in her to figure it out as she grows and to learn how to be more comfortable in finding her own individual identity that will shine through no matter what the circumstances.

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Baby Shower