The Benefits Of Breast Feeding Far Outweigh The Difficulties

Of course you want to give your baby the best start in life and breast feeding is the single most important thing you can do to protect your baby and help to promote his good health. Another of the many benefits of breast feeding is that it costs absolutely nothing!

While breast feeding can save you a lot of money on buying formula, it can also help with your doctor’s bills. Statistics show that breast fed babies get sick less often than formula fed babies. When they do succumb to illness they usually have a milder form and recover much quicker. Bottle fed babies suffer more often with respitory infections, ear infections and other medical problems. 

This can be even more true if your family has had a history of allergies.  When a baby is breast fed, the antibodies pass on from the mother to the baby, helping to protect against illness and allergies.  As your baby’s system matures, his body will begin to make it’s own antibodies and he’ll be more equipped to handle sensitivities of food.

Sucking on the breast will also help with the development or jaw alignment and the development of the cheekbone.  For this very reason, there is less of a need for costly orthodontic work when the child gets older.

Breast milk is more convenient. It is available 24/7 and is always at the correct temperature for feeding. Breast milk also contains all the necessary nutrients in the way of vitamins and minerals for a growing baby. 

Breast feeding also offers many benefits for the mom as well.  The baby sucking at the breast will cause contractions right after birth, leading to less bleeding for the mom, and helping her uterus to it’s shape before pregnancy much faster. Breast feeding will also burn calories, so a mom can lose weight much faster than if she fed her baby with a bottle.  Breast feeding will also create a special bond with the mother and the baby – which is one thing formula simpy cannot do.

It must be said however that not all mums are able to breast feed. If this is the case for you there is no need to feel guilty. Bottle feeding will still give your baby a good start in life. Baby formula has been considerably improved and now contains most of the components of breast mild including omega 3 and pro-biotics.

Milestones from 1 to 2 Years

It is great to watch your child develop. Every parent awaits in anticipation to see these moments. Your baby’s body needs to get prepared for any particular action. External factors are involved in this development as it varies within each baby.

Nutrition plays a vital role in development. Sleep is the maximum growth period. Realize that new born babies sleep almost all day. Duration of sleep varies with age. Your baby is always growing so at this age take care of what you feed. When he reaches one year, he will begin to pick things up, try getting into a standing position, feed himself and clap his hands. His muscles also increase day by day.

Feed your baby with a more nutritious food for maximum growth spurts. A malnourished baby does not develop soon. At the time your baby reaches 13 to 15 months, he will play with his toys and try to talk. You will also see that he walks without support. Some babies walk within 6 months but this is very unusual. Toys also help your baby to develop soon. Like if you play a bosendorfer baby piano, your baby will move his body and try to dance with the rhythm. At about 18 to 20 months, he will climb stairs and walk with support. At this age he will play with building blocks and feed himself well. He will also like cartoons and watch television. Your baby will talk unclearly and do a lot of mischief.

When your baby reaches his second birthday, he will become more active constantly doing mischief and messing up everything. Therefore, you too have to be active and maintain safety precautions at home. Every child is different so you may have to be cautious more or less. Your baby might dump and fall into everything and hurt himself quite a lot. This should be prevented because if in case he hurts his head, this is harmful for his brain as the head is still very sensitive.

Take care of such things and have a great time watching your baby grow and develop at the same time.

Should You Buy A Baby Monitor?

It is scientifically proven that a mother is attuned to the sound of her baby crying. This can be at any time of day or night, no matter how tired she is, right? Wrong! Oftentimes, especially during the early months of your baby’s life, both parents are very, very tired. This normally means that as soon as they fall asleep, they will go into a deep slumber, due to their lack of sleep. Baby monitors are normally a good way to ensure that if their baby cries, you will be able to hear and respond accordingly.

A lot of parents will invest in a baby monitor, especially if their infant’s bedroom is far away from their own, or at least out of earshot. Most people think that they only need baby monitors if their child’s bedroom is far away from their own, but this is not necessarily true! There may be times, whilst you are in your deepest moments of sleep, when your baby cries and you may not hear!

Another good reason to invest in a good baby monitor is that there may be times when you are watching TV, or totally absorbed in conversation. It’s true that most parents will still be able to pick up the sound of their baby crying, but there are always times when it can be missed.

If you have your baby monitor on at all times, you may find that you start reacting to every little sound that your baby makes. Baby monitors are very useful, but they can also be a little bit inconvenient. Remember that if your baby is not screaming at the top of its lungs, but is only making weird grunts and moans, it is probably still sleeping peacefully. Parents tend to jump at the first squeak out of their tot, when it is really not necessary. In time you will become used to your baby’s cries and which ones you should be worrying about and responding to.

Finding the best baby strollers

A baby will require the use of a stroller or a pram quite often. It can help you to enjoy a leisurely walk with your little one or to get some shopping done. Carrying around a baby can make you tired and you don’t always have a free hand to so do. By doing some research, you will be well on your way to finding the best strollers.

Spend some time deciding what kind of stroller will serve your needs. Do you Purchase this for a single baby or more? If you have a toddler it might be a smart idea to buy a double stroller, this way you can put the baby in one section and put the toddler in the other section. This will assist you to keep your eye on each one when you go out. Of course if you are pregnant with twins or triplets then you need a size of stroller that will accommodate each of them.

You will find many people prefer a stroller with two areas even though they only have one child. It works perfectly when you are out with the baby to carry all your stuff, including: the diaper bag, misc. purchases, snacks and other essential items. Do what you can to make it as convenient as possible for yourself.

Different strollers offer different terrain. If you think you’ll be going on trailers or are an avid jogger, then you have to have stroller wheels fit for the job. Trying to do such activities with a basic stroller isn’t going to work very well. In the end you will be frustrated and it can also put your baby in danger.

A good stroller can last your baby for several years so make sure you get one that is durable. You don’t want it falling apart or you will end up paying to get another one. You should look around in thrift shops and yard sales if money is tight. Odds are good that you’ll be able to locate strollers in great condition that have just been outgrown by other kids. Many of them are durable and still have lots of life left in them.

The material that the stroller is made from should be something that is paid attention to. The seats should be easy to clean. You also want it to offer comfort for your baby. Those that are uncomfortable while riding in them will be upset and unhappy. Select a model with straps that can be adjusted so that your baby will be buckled in safely in the stroller.

It is a smart move for people who are shopping for a baby stroller to compare the prices from several places before making a purchase. The moderately priced ones sometimes offer you as much as some of the high dollar ones. What you would be paying for is the name brand on them more expensive one. You should also consider the quality of the product when you are comparing prices.

Take a very good look at the strollers that most retailers have on display. You can push it and see if it’s heavy or light. You also want to pay attention to the accessories they offer. It would be great to have a cup holder on top to store your drink.

At What Age Can I Expect A Baby to Begin Teething?

Teething is the procedure by which an infant tooth sequentially appears by contravention through the gum’s. Its common for babies to start teething when they are between four anf seven months old. But, some started getting their first teeth as soon as they were three months old. This seldom happens but it could happen. Most children will stroke their faces, act irritable and have uneven sleeping habits. However, even those that do not experience discomfort could develop a slight rash on their face and bite down on things a lot.

The occasion vary according to body work of art and growth of child as some youngster can have early teething as four moths while others take nine months for teething. However, this can be a tough time for parents as children tend to be irritable when they are teething.

Babies are likely to be irritable and sad when they start teething. The baby will most like bite and chew a lot. Your baby will have a tendency to bite down and gnaw on anything he can get in his mouth. Infants that are teething may not sleep very well. Normal symptoms of baby teething include drooling, ear pulling, runny nose, crying, and a rash on the chin and neck. Other symptoms which are not as common are fever and diarrhea.

Babies have teething at different ages and so, your baby may be teething. Often you can view the gums.. {A tooth is coming in when you can see more white than pink.}. If you use your finger to gently feel along the gums, you will experience some hard spots, and these indicate that teeth are coming in. The baby appears to be teething.

You can obtain a great deal of information if you visit the Grand Baby Talk site on the Internet, although it is intended for educational purposes only. It is always important to see your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health or that of your children.