Baby Shower

Creative Alternatives to Traditional Baby Shower

A new bundle of joy is on the way, you are in a celebratory mood, but not up for a big traditional baby shower. Well, time has changed and you are definitely not alone mom-to-be on this. These days, more and more expecting moms or parents feel that lavish and grandious party to celebrate baby on the way does not seem practical.

There are for sure reasons why most mom-to-be’s want to skip the traditional baby showers: not a fan of parties, uncomfortable being around people especially in their current state, don’t want people to spend on them for expemsive baby shower gifts, and believes spending for the party is impractical. Although it is okay to say no when a friend or family wants to throw you a big shower, but it is wonderful and gracious to accept such a sweet gesture, as long as they keep it low key.

Guess what? There are many creative ways to get celebrated and welcome the little one in a non-traditional baby shower. A baby shower that is practical and one where you need not stick with the rule, and just have fun.

1. Baby Sprinkle
If this is your second, third or so baby or even if it is your first and you don’t want to have that lavish party, then a baby sprinkle is a good alternative.

A baby sprinkle is a smaller and simplier version of baby shower. It is a smaller and more intimate party with just the inner circle, and the parents-to-be receives just a sprinkling presents rather than tons of gifts. It is less formal, less extravagant, but as fun and memorable as a baby shower.

2. Sip and See
What makes this one different is that the party is thrown after the baby is born. Works well for mom-to-be who are uncomfortable being around people while pregnant, I mean pregnancy can be discomforting for some. This party can be co-ed or something for the girls only. It can be huge or small, and simple or a bit grand. But what makes it better than the traditional baby shower is that the guests can focus on the baby.

3. Virtual Shower
This has nothing to do with being OZ or being too thrifty, but often it is more practical to have a virtual baby shower as oppose to in-person. It is practical for the host, parents-to-be, and the guests. It saves you the venue, the food and the dress too, among others. As a result, guests can spend more on the gifts. Virtual baby shower is nothing short to in-person showers, you can have as much fun and even more. It can be as special too.

4. Baby Shower by Mail
This is even more practical than a virtual baby shower, but is more intimate and heartfelt in my opinion. The idea is that your friend or family sends out note sharing the news about the impending bundle of joy along with the gift registry.

Once you receive the mail, you get to open the gifts at your own pace in the comfort of your own place, and because noone is watching you open the gifts, you get to freely react the way you truly feel whilst reading the mails. And because your friends and family did not get to see you open their gifts or celebrate with you in person, make sure to pen a heartfelt thank you note to each of them and put them in the mail.

5. Community Service
This is a unique but really special and worthwhile way to celebrate your impending baby. You will never forget spending time with your family and friends doing acts of kindness to people and your community a couple weeks or months before you enter another chapter in your life. What better way to honor a new life than doing acts of kindness such as doing charity or public works and projects, helping gather relief goods or cooking some hot meals for the needy, among other community works. Doing something genuinely out of love with nothing in return is so precious. Your little will be proud of you when they find out how you celebrated them.

Lastly, I know you feel that expensive gifts and lavish parties are wasteful, but the thought behind is actually to help out new parents, even if you seem to have everything you need, and to share with your joy as you celebrate a sweet milestone. I hope you find these alternatives interesting, and help you celebrate with your family and friends comfortably.

Baby Shower