Baby Shower

Some Fun Ideas for Baby Shower Games

There are many details that have to go into planning a baby shower. The guest list has to be compiled, the invitations have to be chosen and sent out, and the party itself has to be thoroughly planned for the enjoyment of the new mother to be and the guests. There are baby shower food ideas that can be fun to make or buy, and there are also fun baby shower games that can be played throughout the shower to liven up the festivities. These baby shower games to play can be found online or in baby books and magazines. There are some fun baby shower games that require a lot of set up and others that are simple to set up and are a riot to play.

Food and Fun

One fun baby shower game uses baby food. In this game, the baby food containers are labeled with numbers and the real label is removed so that no one can tell what type of baby food is in the container. All they can see is the color of the baby food. They guests are all given a spoons with which to taste test the different baby foods to see what flavor they think it is. They will write down their answers on a piece of paper and the person who has the most right answers is the winner.

Another way to play this interesting game is to make the expectant mother taste all the foods. You could jazz up the show by blindfolding the mother and then making her test the foods. She keeps tasting and making guesses, and the guests have a great big laugh, whether she guesses correctly or not.

Yet another cool idea would be to ask the guests to drink from different baby bottles. But wait – this is not all there is to it. The baby bottles will all contain different drinks of different colors and tastes. Guests could choose which bottle they want to drink out of or the host could assign these to them. All the guests have to do is to finish drinking the contents of their bottle. The one who drinks the fastest is the winner.

There are also some fun baby shower games that are made for parties that are composed of all women. This game can be played individually or in teams, depending on what the host wants to do. The game requires everyone to have her purse handy so that she can check and prove that she has the different items that are on the checklist. Items that are rarer to find are worth more points than the others and the person or team with the most points wins.

Baby Shower