Baby Shower

What to Write in a Baby Shower Thank You Card – Part 2

In my previous post I have some ideas and sample wordings for a ‘classic’ thank you card. But you can write something more specific: for out-of-town guests, for your most generous friend or relative who sent you money or gift card, and those didn’t make it to the party for some reason, but still managed to get you a gift. Here are more ideas and sample wordings to write on a thank you card.

What do you write on a Thank You Card for a friend or family who travelled far just to make it to your baby shower? Here are some sample wordings:

1. I still can’t believe you got on a plane for me. I know how much you hate and fear getting on a plane. Thank you so much for getting us the super comfy swaddle. I am sure my baby is going to have a sound sleep. I can’t put into words just how surprised and grateful I am. You’re awesome.
2. I deeply appreciate you for taking the time and that long, long drive and made it on time for my baby shower. Your presence is more than enough as a gift. You made me feel so special. Thanks a lot babe for getting my baby that cute onesies, I cannot wait to see it on her. I will never forget all that you’ve done for me. Hope one day we can go for a drive with the little one.
3. It was so wonderful to be able to catch-up, I have missed you terribly and I felt over the moon seeing you at my baby shower. I know you are super busy and had to travel for hours, but you still made so much effort to get me that baby bathtub. That is too much my friend, but thank you so much. I am sure my baby will enjoy a cozy bath. I will send you some pictures and promise to let my baby know who got her the bathtub.

What do you write on a Thank You Card for a friend or family who sent you money or a gift card? Here are some sample wordings:

1. Thank you so much for being so generous and giving us that check. I mean, wow! I felt like I’ve won a lottery or something. We will use it to buy a baby stroller. Hopefully one day we can cruise over to thank you in person. I am so blessed to have you. Again, thank you so much.
2. Our little bundle of joy is so lucky to have you. We are so grateful for the gift card you sent. It’ll be a huge help to finish-up the nursery. We can’t thank you enough, but thank you.
3. We are so grateful for your generosity. We still have a long list to do, your gift card is a huge relief because now we’ll be able to get most of the essential items we need. Thank you so much for the thoughts, and for everything. We really appreciate it.

What do you write on a Thank You Card for a friend or family who missed your baby shower? Here are some sample wordings:

1. Thank you so much my darling for getting us the baby carrier. I super need them. We missed you at the baby shower, but I know you wouldn’t miss it in the world if you could. We look forward to getting together soon, and hopefully with the little one. Thanks so much for the thoughts.
2. You are deeply missed at the baby shower not just by me, but the other girls as well. But, thank you so much for the gift. How did you know that is the top item I wanted on my gift registry. I know you wouldn’t want to miss the party. I look forward to seeing you after the baby is born. Thanks again babe.
3. Thank you so much for getting us one of the best gifts ever. I cannot wait to see all the cute outfits on my baby boy. You are sorely missed at the shower, but I swear I’ll think of you everytime the baby put on the cute outfits you got him. You’re the best auntie in the world, and we’ll see you soon – me and the baby.

Finally, don’t think too hard on what to write, just let it come from the heart, and the message you want will definitely come across. Whatever the message, as long as they are heartfelt will be warmly received and deeply appreciated.

What to Write in a Baby Shower Thank You Card

We said that it is a must and tradition to express your appreciation and deepest gratitude to everyone who joined in your baby shower whether they joined in person or virtually, including those who took their time to buy and send you gifts, through a hand-written and personalized baby shower thank you card.

In my previous post you have learned when is the best time to send baby shower thank you card and what planning or preparations you have to make before the baby shower, and who you need to thank.

Now the next thing is what do we write in a thank you card? Are there appropriate or inappropriate wordings? How do you ensure it is genuine and heartfelt?

How to write a thank you card?
You must remember these ‘three simple sentence formula’ for baby shower thank you card: general thank you for coming or joining the baby shower or sending gifts; most heartfelt reaction to the gift given; and a closing line for your appreciation and gratitude. This formula never fails.

Here is a practice of the formula:

I know you are super busy, but you really came to my baby shower, it meant to world to me.

Thank you so much for the cute overall with matching hat and shoes. I love them and couldn’t wait to see them on my baby.

You are such a generous friend for really finding the time in your busy schedule. I couldn’t thank you enough, but I am so lucky to have you.

It is really simple and easy. You can add more and make it personal, but generally the formula says it all. It is super easy and won’t take you long to finish one thank you card.

Classic Thank You Wordings:
1. I enjoyed and loved seeing you at my baby shower. Thank you so much for getting me that adorable and comfy nursing pillow. I am so blessed to have a veteran mom like you. I hope you won’t get tired of me asking you for lots of parenting advice in the coming days.
2. One of my favorite and unforgettable part of the baby shower is the conversation and laughters I shared with you. I loved the cute and soft baby pajamas you picked out. I love the colors and its soft material. I am sure my baby will sleep soundly on them. Thanks a lot.
3. I appreciate you coming to my baby shower and I am so happy for the books you got for my baby’s library. They are all so good, I cannot wait to read them to her/him. I hope you could come one day and read a some yourself. I couldn’t thank you more for the love.
4. I couldn’t thank you more, but I hope you realize how grateful I am for making the trip just to be at my baby shower. Thank you so much babe for getting me the cutest swaddle – I’ve learned that it makes life easier once the baby is here. I really appreciate your thoughfulness and getting to all that trouble just to be here.
5. Thank you darling dear for making the time to be at my baby shower. It has been a long while and it was amazing catching up, and I appreciate all your well wishes and advice. I am pretty sure my baby will love having you in her/his life as much as this momma do. Thanks so much.

These are some samples of classic baby shower thank you message. If you noticed, it follows the three simple sentence formula. The formula like I said always work, and then you can just add a few lines or some words to make them even more personalized. Another thing to remember besides the formula – don’t write too long messages, keep them brief and genuinely heartfelt – what do you really want to tell them, that’s it.

In my next post, I will be sharing with you more ideas to write in thank you card. What wordings to write for family and friends who are out of town, who attended virtuall or just sent their gifts, and for those who opted to gift you money, including those who may have missed your baby shower. We’ll learn all that on my next post. Hope this idea here helped you craft your own messages.

How to Write a Baby Shower Thank You Card

The baby shower is over and everyone has gone home. It was a fun, memorable and successful party. Eventhough you have openned your gifts during the shower and have thanked each one of your guests in person, it is still an intimate gesture to pen a baby shower thank you card, something that is hand-written and personalized.

The guests to your baby shower are your people, they are the ones who will come running and lend a hand when you needed help, especially after the baby is born. You will need them in one way or the other for parenting advice, for companionship, and even to help you look after the baby or prepare meals, among others. Hence, it’s best to show them how much you appreciate their gesture and how much they mean to you through your thank you card.

If you find it hard to put into words your appreciation and what is in your heart, don’t worry. Here is a walkthrough to guide you in coming up with the most heartfelt baby shower thank you card.

When is the best time to send a baby shower thank you card?

The soonest possible is the best time. The standard etiquette when it comes to baby shower thank you card is two to three weeks after the baby shower. If that timelines is unachievable for you, at least make sure that you have sent them before childbirth.

It would also help to have plans early hand:

1. Buy starionery or have a personalized starionery or thank you card before the baby shower;
2. Keep record of the gifts you have received and from whom it was. That way you will be able to remember who gave you what to help you personalized your note;
3. Set a goal or make a calendar or timeline: how many thank you card to make each day or every other day, including the session: are you going to do it after dinner or daytime after breakfast, whichever works for you; and
4. Finish the thank you card before the baby is born, because once the baby arrives, you will be busier than you can imagine.

Who do you need to thank?
You need to send thank you card to everyone who came to your baby shower, all those who attended virtually, and even those who only sent their gifts because they really could not attend in person or vistually. If some of your friends chipped-in to buy you gifts, you still need to thank them individually. If for instance ten or more of your friends or colleagues parhaps contributed for the gift, you can send them thank you note thru email or personal message thru social media, but if you can manage to write a thank you card for each, it is much better.

So, now you know when you should send a thank you card and who you need to send them to, and the preparation or planning you have to make before the baby shower. In my next post, I will walk you through how to write a thank you card, what to write and the wordings for those who came in person or virtually, and appropriate for the gifts they gave – items or money, how do you thank them, and all that.

Hope this one helped you take note of the very first things to consider before the baby shower, as far as baby shower thank you card is concern.

Baby Shower