Baby Shower

Learn More About Using Baby Soothers

One of the problems about using baby soothers remains conflicting schools of thought – there are those that believe soothers are not a good thing to give babies, and then there are others who believe they are perfectly fine. As with many things when it comes to “your” baby, you need to do your own research and make up your own mind about what works best for you and your wee one. While it can be reassuring to review the opinions of various experts concerning baby soothers, it’s up to you to sort through the conflicting information and just make your own decision about it. Of course, you’ve put in your time doing Internet research, and you know all of the pros and cons by now. It comes back to the real issue – what will work best for “your” baby. The first thing you honestly need to consider is whether you feel your child may get to dependent on them. This is a real concern and some children do develop a fixation with having a soother. As a child grows older, a soother fixation can become a problematic issue. You know your baby well, and you are the best judge of whether or not this is really something for you to be concerned about. There are ways to make sure this doesn’t happen, and no doubt you have already read about those. Are you of the opinion, based on your research, that there is a possibility of dental problems for your child due to the use of baby soothers? If so, why don’t you have a talk with your own dentist, and ask for a professional opinion about baby soothers? Keep in mind that in the era when there weren’t many baby soothers, baby’s sucked their thumbs. Well guess what? Sucking thumbs was supposed to cause dental problems as well. Many dental issues can be averted by limiting the duration of baby soother use. As a parent, you are the expert at being able to time your child’s use of baby soothers, and can understand that if your child is allowed to use a baby soother for long periods of time it could affect permanent teeth coming in, and meaning braces and major costs later on in their lives.

There is some concern that the use of baby soothers over an extended period may contribute to middle ear infection in some children. Once again, it is best to seek the guidance of your baby’s doctor if you are feeling unsure about what is best. You may well know beforehand that a good strategy is to offer baby soothers to help ease your child into sleep, instead of making it a continuous habit. There are other reasons to keep the use of baby soothers to a minimum and of course the choice is up to you based on what works for your baby. Most parents have spent a lot of time checking into what is the best thing to do for their baby and have an innate sense of what is right.
Never let someone tell you that they know what is best for your baby, not when you are the one that has spent the hundreds of hours figuring out what works for your little one. If that means the use of baby soothers now and then, then that is the best choice for you and your baby.

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