Milestones from 1 to 2 Years

It is great to watch your child develop. Every parent awaits in anticipation to see these moments. Your baby’s body needs to get prepared for any particular action. External factors are involved in this development as it varies within each baby.

Nutrition plays a vital role in development. Sleep is the maximum growth period. Realize that new born babies sleep almost all day. Duration of sleep varies with age. Your baby is always growing so at this age take care of what you feed. When he reaches one year, he will begin to pick things up, try getting into a standing position, feed himself and clap his hands. His muscles also increase day by day.

Feed your baby with a more nutritious food for maximum growth spurts. A malnourished baby does not develop soon. At the time your baby reaches 13 to 15 months, he will play with his toys and try to talk. You will also see that he walks without support. Some babies walk within 6 months but this is very unusual. Toys also help your baby to develop soon. Like if you play a bosendorfer baby piano, your baby will move his body and try to dance with the rhythm. At about 18 to 20 months, he will climb stairs and walk with support. At this age he will play with building blocks and feed himself well. He will also like cartoons and watch television. Your baby will talk unclearly and do a lot of mischief.

When your baby reaches his second birthday, he will become more active constantly doing mischief and messing up everything. Therefore, you too have to be active and maintain safety precautions at home. Every child is different so you may have to be cautious more or less. Your baby might dump and fall into everything and hurt himself quite a lot. This should be prevented because if in case he hurts his head, this is harmful for his brain as the head is still very sensitive.

Take care of such things and have a great time watching your baby grow and develop at the same time.