Baby Shower

Deciding On A Chinese Baby Names

Picking out Chinese baby names is a lot of fun but it can also be a lot of work. Expectant Chinese parents are no different than those in the west when it comes to choosing names. They will take time to research and go through baby name dictionaries and try to find a name that both honors the family and is unique to the child.

Choosing a name will usually have more to do with the year and the season in which the child is born than it does in western culture. The zodiac plays an important part in determining what type of person the baby will be according to Chinese beliefs. Choosing a name that corresponds correctly to the date of birth is very important.

Because of this it is considered unlucky to choose the babies name before it is born. It is a custom for parents to refer to an unborn child as an animal or as some ugly thing in order to trick the spirits that want to kidnap them. This also helps to prevent the parents from choosing a name before they know what type of person the zodiac says the child will be.

There may be several names for a child in China. A new baby is given an infant name that is an informal name that is used within the family until the child is older. Later, a formal name will be given to children that they will use for the rest of their life.

The use of familiar names is important. The Chinese keep the same family Chinese surname for the last name just as we do in the west. But they will use the same middle name for all children born of same generations of a family to identify when they were born. This creates a family tree within each name. The first names differ, but the other names are used to instantly identify what family and generation a person is from.

In addition to the importance the calendar plays in choosing a name, there are several factors that go into the choice. Many names will relate to gender traits. The characters for beauty, elegance, or virtue are often found in Chinese baby girls names. The characters for power, glory or knowledge are often found in boys names.

Finally deciding on new Chinese baby names can be tricky, but ultimately not too different from how the west chooses names. Because China has enjoyed a long history, they have many traditions that may seem different, but they are well known within the culture and thus make it easy for people to understand how they should go about naming their child.

How do the Chinese Name their Babies?

How are Chinese baby boys and Chinese baby girls named? A variety of methods exist. The hopes of the parents play a big role in naming Chinese babies. The person’s name continues to remind him of his parents’ expectations.

Generally speaking, these aspirations can usually be classified into six categories. They are moral accomplishments, intelligence and scholarly achievements, health and beauty, wealth and position, safe and smooth life and independence and willpower.

Some families name their children based on the birth order of the siblings. Some families have age-old traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation, which guide how the babies are named. These infants are named by using a system that is unique to each family — one that has been defined by his or her ancestors.

Yet another method is by naming after historical events or to reflect historical background common in Chinese history.

The last method is based on astrology. With the astrological method, a child’s name may be determined according to the time, month, and season of his birth. The child’s birth year animal signs may also determine the name. The Five Elements may also play a role in the names.

There are additional subtleties to the technique of naming Chinese baby girls and Chinese baby boys, because parents have varying goals for their daughters and sons.

Good moral character and dedication to self, his nation, and its people are the qualities that are expected of a good man. This man must bring his family honor by being wise and capable, ambitious, healthy and strong.

For this reason, a Chinese baby boy may be named in a way that brings honor to a special ancestor as well as continuing the family tradition and business. In addition to honoring the ancestor, Chinese baby boys may be named in a way that indicates high hopes, nobility of character, strength of will, strong determination, a sense of responsibility, physical strength, a wealth of vitality, a broad-minded viewpoint, outstanding wisdom, and the desire to be of service to ones’ people and country.

What about Chinese baby girls name? Their parent’s aspiration include being filial, virtuous and chaste. They should love their brothers and sisters, take care of their family and good at housekeeping. They should also have inner beauty combined with intelligence, grace and get on harmoniously with their neighbors.

As such the method of naming baby girls includes those that promote feminine values such as virtue and tenderness, feminine beauty, intelligence and wits, grace and elegance.

It should be clear to you now!

Baby Shower