Baby Shower

Baby Colics – A Few Pointers that can Assist Concerned Parents

Crying is the sole way a baby knows to speak and draw attention, as it is too young to talk yet. But do not worry because it’s part of a baby’s life, and don’t overreact if it continues to cry, as there’s zip wrong with the baby. There’s no reason for you to drive the baby to the infirmary, as even the doctors will tell you that it’s ordinary an is just a sign of a classic case of colic in babies.

The colic phase lasts for the 1st 3 weeks and then it passes away gradually, although it may appear to last longer. Parents should only focus on making it stop as it happens thanks to a variety of reasons and may occur anytime. As a baby’s biological clock isn’t like that of an adult, the colic phase can occur either early in the morning or during the afternoon or when the newborn is sleeping or in the night.

Even if a pair has allocated times of keeping awake, there might be many times when their sleep gets annoyed thanks to the baby and they are left feeling beat and knackered through the day.

Do not think that by ignoring the crying baby, it stop. One of the parents has to get up and check the baby’s condition, change its diapers or feed it, and if it still doesn’t work then rock the baby in your arms and sing a lullaby to it. Always remember to burp the baby after breastfeeding it, as it’s one of the known factors behind colic.

Remember to do daily checks for colic symptoms and if needed take the baby outdoors in its pram. A walk in the park with the baby’s pram will relax both the parent and the baby.

A colic baby will stop crying if given a warm bath, as it relaxes and calms an infant; just make sure the water is not hot for the baby’s skin.

Toys which rotate and are musical can be hung on top of the crib, so that the baby keeps taking a look at them and the soothing music and tones will help in calming the colic baby. They are inexpensive and help the small kid sleep.

The mummy should keep an eye on what she eats, because there are some foods which can produce gas and can be passed on to the infant through the milk during breastfeeding. So she should have a concept about the foods to avoid. But if it fails, then Simethicone drops should be administered, but only as a last resort.

There will be good times and not so good times when raising a baby. The folks will have to face lots of challenges like the child’s colic phase, so keeping a babysitter during such a troublesome time will help a lot, but always recall that not even the best colic cures can replace the love and caring of both the mother and the father.

Baby Shower