Baby Shower

Reasons You And Your Partner Should Consider A Baby Sling

They seem to fall in and out of favor every couple of years. Baby slings (also known as carriers, wraps, etc.) were once the method of choice for millions of moms and dads who wanted to carry their babies. Today, few parents use them and instead, invest hundreds of dollars in the latest suspension system-equipped strollers.

There are actually several reasons to consider using a carrier. From building your baby’s sense of independence to helping her dad bond, slings can offer unique advantages for parents. This article will provide an overview of those advantages along with a few tips for choosing the right model.

From Womb To The World

When infants are born, they are forced to leave the warmth, comfort, and security of their homes (for the last nine months). That can have a jarring effect on some newborns. Wearing your infant in a wrap keeps her close to your body. She’ll be able to feel your skin and warmth; both are comforting and can help her make an easier transition from the womb into the world. Car seats and strollers, while safe, cannot offer this type of physical contact. Neither can provide the same level of comfort.

Less Likely To Cry

Despite what many parents instinctively believe, babies do not always immediately start to cry when they want something (i.e. food, a clean diaper, etc.). They’ll first attempt to get their point across by using other means. Because they cannot verbalize their needs, these first attempts quickly escalate into crying.

When you carry your little one in a wrap, you’ll be more conscious of her needs. You’ll hear her subtle fussing due to hunger. You’ll notice her body relaxing as she falls asleep. You’ll become aware more quickly when she needs a new diaper. As a result, you’ll be able to respond to her needs before she registers them by crying.

Bonding With Dad

For generations, fathers have assumed that the bond that exists between mothers and their babies stems from breastfeeding. In a sense, this assumption is true. However, the reason is misunderstood. When a baby nurses, it is the physical contact with her mother that forms the strongest bond. It is the warmth of her mother’s skin, the easy eye contact, and the reassuring sound of her heartbeat.

A sling provides an easy way for dads to offer their infants the same physical contact, warmth, and comfort. An infant will begin to identify the feel and scent of her father, and the tremor of his voice.

Encouraging Autonomy

In the U.S. and other western cultures, parents have customarily taught their kids to be independent. Experts suggest this may be one of the reasons moms and dads in western societies are likely to hold their children less than parents in countries where slings are commonly used.

Interestingly, some experts believe that not holding children close produces the opposite results. That is, kids who are held close to their parents are more likely to develop the confidence needed to be autonomous. An argument can thus be made that wearing your baby in a sling will encourage their independence down the road.

Selecting The Right Model

Slings, carriers, and wraps, come in different forms. Carriers are designed to hold babies in the front; they’re worn with straps that go over both shoulders. Slings and wraps are designed to be worn over one shoulder, similar to a bicycle messenger’s bag. The option you choose will depend on a number of factors.

If you’re planning to breastfeed, a sling is better-suited for the task than a carrier. Also, consider whether you intend to use the wrap or carrier for practical purposes (i.e. holding your infant while shopping, etc.) or for bonding. Will you carry your baby in it for long periods each day or as an occasional alternative to your stroller? Think about the support you’ll need for your neck, back, and shoulders during long walks.

Using a sling, wrap, or carrier to transport your baby is a fantastic way to comfort and bond with her. It takes a little getting used to, but can play a key role in her healthy development.

Making Baby’s Bath Time Special

One of several chores new mothers manage to dread most is giving their brand new baby a bath. Countless young and inexperienced parents fear dropping a wet and slippery baby and those first couple of baths generally is a nerve wracking experience. However, after a short time the new mother feels safe with handling the infant and begins to loosen up when giving baths. Now could be the time to start making bath time wonderful for both the parent as well as the child.

The majority of toddlers actually prefer the feeling of being unclothed and slid into a warm tub. It relaxes them and gives them a feeling of freedom. This gives a amazing opportunity to the new parents to interact with their newborn and offers the possibility to set the stage for bath time joy as your youngster grows a bit older.

Select the Most Beneficial Time to Get Your Child’s Bath

There are lots of ways to try to make bath time fantastic for both you and your baby. Among the best ways is simply too determine a bath time when you do not feel hurried and can take time for both you and your infant to take advantage of the day by day ritual.

After dinner, and right before the infant’s last feeding just before bed is a thrilling time to select to get a bath. Nearly all your days chores are lurking behind you, your spouse could be home to join in the fun, and calming you baby shortly ahead of bedtime may well mean he sleeps a lttle bit longer before waking.

Do Not Rush

Spend some time getting your baby completely ready for his / her bath. Gradually undress him talking to him or her all the while. Wiggle his toes, or stroke his back. Allow him a few minutes on a blanket or perhaps a towel to enjoy the freedom of being entirely unclothed and just examine this brand-new situation.

Once in the bath, allow him to relax, to kick, to play all the while conversing with him. Share the delight of his brand new findings even if it is something as easy as locating his own toes, or even a new bath toy .

Wash him gently, taking the time to admire the perfection of this fantastic infant. How tiny his fingers and his toes are, how fantastic is his turned up nose.

If he is old enough to begin actively playing with bath toys or splashing his tiny hands, then join in the play.

Take Time to Snuggle

As soon as his bath is complete wrap him in a Mom Tattoo Baby Blanket to help keep him from getting a chill, give him a Rock Star Pacifier and take some time to snuggle for just a couple of moments before dressing him. There is nothing much more relaxing than the scent of a fantastic smelling newborn and you also might also take your time to enjoy it.

Have fun with playing a game of peek a boo while you dress him. Even tough your youngster is simply too young to comprehend the game he’ll be delighted by your antics and fascinated by the way you vanish and reappear.

Taking a few minutes to savor these times together with your little one might most likely make him really feel loved and tranquil and as he grows up you will have these beautiful moments to cherish.

Baby Shower