Baby Shower

Preparing Your Toddler For A New Sibling

You are about to add a new sibling to your growing family. It doesn’t matter how many kids you already have, the new arrival will shake things up. Consider these tips to help make the changes a positive experience for everyone.

1.    Timing is important. Choosing when to tell other family members about a pregnancy depends a great deal on each person’s age. Your two year old will not understand what you are saying if you don’t look pregnant. Nine months is almost half his lifetime and way too long to be told he is going to have a new sibling. Wait until you are about five months along. At that point he can see where the baby is, and it gives him enough time to digest the news.

2.    Include your children in your pregnancy whenever possible. If they can feel the baby kick, let them try. That experience will help them realize that a real baby is growing in your belly. Let them help you set up the nursery and buy things for their new sibling. Ask for suggestions from your kids regarding things in the nursery or baby names. The key is to let them feel part of the process.

3.    Be sure your older children feel special. Spend quality time with each one of your kids before the baby comes, and let each one know how important he is. Remind him that as a big brother, he can help with the baby, who will have a lot to learn from him. Tell him you can’t wait to see what a great, loving big brother he is.

4.    When it’s time to hand things down from an older sibling to the new baby, be sure to ask the older child’s permission. Let’s start with his crib. Talk to your toddler about how excited you are that he is now old enough to leave the crib for a new big boy bed. Encourage him to take ownership of his new bed, by helping you choose sheets, pillows and blankets. He should be out of the crib at least a full month before the baby arrives. By then, when he’s used to his new bed, you can ask him if the new baby can now sleep in his old crib. It’s important that you make him feel important and special to be sharing his bed with his new sibling.

5.    Remember to find time for your other kids after the baby is born. Naturally, the focus will be on the new arrival, but it’s important to remind your older children that they are important to you and you appreciate their help during this busy time. Many times, company will visit with gifts for the new baby, and often for the siblings, too. If they forget the other kids, it’s a good idea to have a stash of small things that you can bring out for them to remind them that they are special. Wait until the company leaves, and then offer the kids a coloring book, puzzle or something similar as a thank you for being so understanding. When the baby sleeps, try to spend some quality time with the other kids.

6.    Encourage the children to appreciate each other. As your family grows, it is even more important that your kids get along with one another, and truly love each other. Sure, there will always be sibling rivalry, but try to find ways to build their relationship as opposed to making them feel like they need to compete for your time and attention.

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! It’s only natural that when the new baby is born, you will be tired and your house will be chaotic. Preparation will make the transition smoother for everyone.

Learn more about preschool development at, by preschool teacher and writer Terri Akman.

What Can I Do To Bond With My New Baby?

The first days, weeks, and months after your little one’s birth are a critical time for both of you. Her surroundings are a mystery. She’s unsure of her place and uncertain about whom she can trust for safety. It is during this period that new moms and dads can forge a strong bond with their babies. Personal interaction plays a vital role in this process and will aid your little one to develop mentally and emotionally into a vibrant and healthy young child.

This article will offer a few suggestions for strengthening the connection you enjoy with your baby. Over time, you’ll find the four tips below will encourage your little one to trust you and feel safe whenever she’s near you.

Tip 1 – Sing To Her

Babies quickly develop attachments to the voices of their parents. When your baby recognizes your voice, she is immediattely drawn to it. This is why babies love havin mommy and daddy read to them. Their voices soothe them and make them feel safe and secure.

In the same way, your little one will enjoy your singing to her. She’ll recognize the sound of your voice, but will derive even more pleasure form the melodies you create with it.

Tip 2 – Let Her Look

Have you ever noticed babies looking intently at people’s faces? While other sights and sounds may be a distraction, few things hold a baby’s attention as effectively as a person’s face. Give your baby plenty of opportunities to study yours. When you’re talking to her, move your face next to her own. When you’re reading to her, prop her up so she can clearly see your lips moving.

New infants can see approximately twelve inches in front of their eyes. That means it’s important for you to bring your face close to your little one’s. Give her a chance to study the curves of your nose, cheeks, and jaw. This creates an indelible memory of you in her brain.

Tip 3 – Hold Her Close

The warmth of a mother’s body is soothing and comforting to a baby. To give your infant the opportunity to enjoy the feeling, consider carrying her in a sling. That allows her to feel your warmth next to her. She’ll gradually remember your scent and the feel of your body’s movements. That strengthens the connection she feels toward you.

Tip 4 – Let Her Use Your Stomach

The surface of your stomach provides an ideal training ground on which your little one can develop strength in her upper body. A few times each day, lay on your back and place a light blanket on your stomach. Then, place your baby on the blanket and allow her to adjust herself. She’ll attempt to lift her head in order to see what’s around her. When she becomes frustrated, pick her up and soothe her.

When starting out, each session should not exceed more than a couple of minutes. As time goes by, extend the sessions to help her further develop strength. You can even encourage her to lift her head by talking to her (remember, she’s drawn to your voice).

Forming a strong bond with your baby is a natural process that requires a large amount of personal interaction. You can help your baby develop emotionally and intellectually by using your voice and body. Sing to her; give her a chance to study your face in detail; hold her close to your body so she can feel your warmth; help her develop physically by laying her on your stomach.

These individual activities engage her mind and body. If you do them consistently, they’ll reinforce the attachment your baby feels toward you.

Are You Wondering About The Best Way To Feed Your New Baby?

Having a baby is one of the most exciting and scary experiences you will ever go through. There are going to be times when you don’t know what to do and there are going to be times when you feel as though you have been a parent forever. You will wonder while your baby is small what his or her favorite kind of food will be or what kind of music that your baby will grow up to love the best. These are the kinds of questions that run through every parent’s mind.

On your way home from the hospital with your brand new little one fastened in safely in a graco car seat is going to be a time that you will never forget. You are going to be thinking about so many things that you won’t be able to concentrate on just one for very long. What is this or what if that? Will you be able to do everything right as a parent? What if you make a mistake? These are just a few of the questions that you will be asking yourself as a new parent.

The first months of life for your baby will be spent sleeping and drinking milk. The best kind of milk is breast milk from mom. The babies who are breast fed don’t get sick as much as those babies that are fed man made formulas. The nutrients in a mother’s breast milk can’t be copied and put into a container on the store shelves.

Breast feeding your baby is a lot easier today than it was tears ago. If you decide to breast feed your baby now you will still be able to work and go places without worrying about your baby’s feeding times. All you will have to do is invest in a double electric breast pump. Using an electric pump that expresses milk from both breasts at the same time will save you a lot of time as opposed to using a manual pump.

Use only glass bottles for storing your breast milk for baby. Make sure the bottles that you use are freshly sterilized and have a good seal when you close them. Put warm bottles of fresh breast milk into the refrigerator right away to make sure they don’t have a chance to spoil.

When you start feeding your baby solid food you need to start light. You should start feeding your baby a cereal that is mixed with breast milk to start with. Table food will come at the age of five to six months and should only be foods like mashed potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes.

Buying baby food at the supermarket can get to be expensive. The best thing to do is to use a kitchenaid food processor and make your own baby food. You will know what is going in your baby and whether it is fresh or not. You also won’t have to worry about additives and preservatives.

Reasons You And Your Partner Should Consider A Baby Sling

They seem to fall in and out of favor every couple of years. Baby slings (also known as carriers, wraps, etc.) were once the method of choice for millions of moms and dads who wanted to carry their babies. Today, few parents use them and instead, invest hundreds of dollars in the latest suspension system-equipped strollers.

There are actually several reasons to consider using a carrier. From building your baby’s sense of independence to helping her dad bond, slings can offer unique advantages for parents. This article will provide an overview of those advantages along with a few tips for choosing the right model.

From Womb To The World

When infants are born, they are forced to leave the warmth, comfort, and security of their homes (for the last nine months). That can have a jarring effect on some newborns. Wearing your infant in a wrap keeps her close to your body. She’ll be able to feel your skin and warmth; both are comforting and can help her make an easier transition from the womb into the world. Car seats and strollers, while safe, cannot offer this type of physical contact. Neither can provide the same level of comfort.

Less Likely To Cry

Despite what many parents instinctively believe, babies do not always immediately start to cry when they want something (i.e. food, a clean diaper, etc.). They’ll first attempt to get their point across by using other means. Because they cannot verbalize their needs, these first attempts quickly escalate into crying.

When you carry your little one in a wrap, you’ll be more conscious of her needs. You’ll hear her subtle fussing due to hunger. You’ll notice her body relaxing as she falls asleep. You’ll become aware more quickly when she needs a new diaper. As a result, you’ll be able to respond to her needs before she registers them by crying.

Bonding With Dad

For generations, fathers have assumed that the bond that exists between mothers and their babies stems from breastfeeding. In a sense, this assumption is true. However, the reason is misunderstood. When a baby nurses, it is the physical contact with her mother that forms the strongest bond. It is the warmth of her mother’s skin, the easy eye contact, and the reassuring sound of her heartbeat.

A sling provides an easy way for dads to offer their infants the same physical contact, warmth, and comfort. An infant will begin to identify the feel and scent of her father, and the tremor of his voice.

Encouraging Autonomy

In the U.S. and other western cultures, parents have customarily taught their kids to be independent. Experts suggest this may be one of the reasons moms and dads in western societies are likely to hold their children less than parents in countries where slings are commonly used.

Interestingly, some experts believe that not holding children close produces the opposite results. That is, kids who are held close to their parents are more likely to develop the confidence needed to be autonomous. An argument can thus be made that wearing your baby in a sling will encourage their independence down the road.

Selecting The Right Model

Slings, carriers, and wraps, come in different forms. Carriers are designed to hold babies in the front; they’re worn with straps that go over both shoulders. Slings and wraps are designed to be worn over one shoulder, similar to a bicycle messenger’s bag. The option you choose will depend on a number of factors.

If you’re planning to breastfeed, a sling is better-suited for the task than a carrier. Also, consider whether you intend to use the wrap or carrier for practical purposes (i.e. holding your infant while shopping, etc.) or for bonding. Will you carry your baby in it for long periods each day or as an occasional alternative to your stroller? Think about the support you’ll need for your neck, back, and shoulders during long walks.

Using a sling, wrap, or carrier to transport your baby is a fantastic way to comfort and bond with her. It takes a little getting used to, but can play a key role in her healthy development.

Buying Baby Stuff For Your One To Come

That baby is coming and it is coming quickly. What do you do? There is so much to plan for you might not know where to begin. There are a few items that you have to have. No matter when that little boy or girl is due you have to have some of these items.

Many new parents worry about how they will know when their child is crying if they sleep in a different room. We have a solution. It is called a baby monitor. You can hear when he or she cries and get to them. It is that simple. The best kind of monitor is the dect baby monitor.

Then there is the issue in the car. It is all too easy to get in a car accident. If your child is not buckled up properly, then they can get seriously damaged. That is why you need a car seat. We recommend the britax car seat. They are easy to install and other things that make parents proud to own one.

There are other things that you will need. One of them things is a stroller. This is nice so that when you go out to places or out for walks, you do not have to hold the baby all the time. This is nice as infants often fall asleep when there is motion and therefore, you can have some free time.

There are other things that are nice as they give you a reliever, help a baby sleep, and much more which will make you want to dance. This is what a baby swing can do for you. If you swing the money to get a swing then it is highly recommended.

As your infant gets older then you might want to get a few things that might make some of those feeding times a bit easier. There are baby bath toys that can also make bath time for baby a bit easier.

It might seem like a lot and it really can be, but nothing can replace that feeling of being a parent. It is a great thing to feel. That is why you need to be ready. We are not saying every day is a joy, but make it easy on yourself and be ready for when he or she comes.

Baby Shower