Baby Shower

What Can I Do To Bond With My New Baby?

The first days, weeks, and months after your little one’s birth are a critical time for both of you. Her surroundings are a mystery. She’s unsure of her place and uncertain about whom she can trust for safety. It is during this period that new moms and dads can forge a strong bond with their babies. Personal interaction plays a vital role in this process and will aid your little one to develop mentally and emotionally into a vibrant and healthy young child.

This article will offer a few suggestions for strengthening the connection you enjoy with your baby. Over time, you’ll find the four tips below will encourage your little one to trust you and feel safe whenever she’s near you.

Tip 1 – Sing To Her

Babies quickly develop attachments to the voices of their parents. When your baby recognizes your voice, she is immediattely drawn to it. This is why babies love havin mommy and daddy read to them. Their voices soothe them and make them feel safe and secure.

In the same way, your little one will enjoy your singing to her. She’ll recognize the sound of your voice, but will derive even more pleasure form the melodies you create with it.

Tip 2 – Let Her Look

Have you ever noticed babies looking intently at people’s faces? While other sights and sounds may be a distraction, few things hold a baby’s attention as effectively as a person’s face. Give your baby plenty of opportunities to study yours. When you’re talking to her, move your face next to her own. When you’re reading to her, prop her up so she can clearly see your lips moving.

New infants can see approximately twelve inches in front of their eyes. That means it’s important for you to bring your face close to your little one’s. Give her a chance to study the curves of your nose, cheeks, and jaw. This creates an indelible memory of you in her brain.

Tip 3 – Hold Her Close

The warmth of a mother’s body is soothing and comforting to a baby. To give your infant the opportunity to enjoy the feeling, consider carrying her in a sling. That allows her to feel your warmth next to her. She’ll gradually remember your scent and the feel of your body’s movements. That strengthens the connection she feels toward you.

Tip 4 – Let Her Use Your Stomach

The surface of your stomach provides an ideal training ground on which your little one can develop strength in her upper body. A few times each day, lay on your back and place a light blanket on your stomach. Then, place your baby on the blanket and allow her to adjust herself. She’ll attempt to lift her head in order to see what’s around her. When she becomes frustrated, pick her up and soothe her.

When starting out, each session should not exceed more than a couple of minutes. As time goes by, extend the sessions to help her further develop strength. You can even encourage her to lift her head by talking to her (remember, she’s drawn to your voice).

Forming a strong bond with your baby is a natural process that requires a large amount of personal interaction. You can help your baby develop emotionally and intellectually by using your voice and body. Sing to her; give her a chance to study your face in detail; hold her close to your body so she can feel your warmth; help her develop physically by laying her on your stomach.

These individual activities engage her mind and body. If you do them consistently, they’ll reinforce the attachment your baby feels toward you.

Baby Shower