Baby Shower

Selecting The Best Organic Baby Formula

When breast milk is not an option for your baby you may wish to find the best organic baby formula to the baby’s nutrition. It is commonly considered the best choice if you are not able to breast feed.

Organic baby formulas are derivatives of milk that comes from cows, soy beans, algae and soil fungus. Their ingredients are all natural and non-synthetic that make them healthier for consumption than other formula milk that has chemical components.

The problems of lactose intolerance and breast milk protein allergies had lead directly to the development of organic formula milk. These are conditions that restrict an infant from going thru the typical breast feeding routine due to the stomach signs and symptoms (diarrhoea, indigestion, bloody stool, stomach ache, vomiting) the infant would experience on breast milk consumption. Hence, feeding the infant through other milk sources becomes a requirement to meet nutritional requirements.

In the business of organic baby formulas, three product names became gigantic and favored due to their efficiency in providing the needs of their customers, namely: Similac Organic, Earth’s Best and Baby’s Only. These three products are really capable of meeting the DHA and RHA needs of babies in the opinion of some experts and product reviews. They only change in major ingredient and other nutrient content.

Both Similac Organic and Earth’s Best are derivatives of cow’s milk. However , Similac contains less lactose compared to Earth’s Best. In fact , the second is not recommended for babies with a lactose allergy. Among the three famous baby formulas, Baby’s Only is considered to be the first and the oldest organic formula milk. It has been in the business for 10 years and has kept a solid reputation because of its quality. The prime ingredient is brown rice syrup, which enables your baby to maintain a good blood sugar level and it contains more essential fatty acids compared to the two cow’s milk derivatives mentioned earlier. However, Baby’s Only is a “toddler only” formula milk. This means, it’s only advised for infants aged 1-3 years old. This is intentionally done by Nature’s One to stick with breastfeeding promotion.

On the other hand, there are a few products available in the market if none of the 3 milk formulas mentioned suits your baby. Besides, different products have various advantages and disadvantages that a consumer must consider; one product maybe the best baby formula for some, while another product works well for others. This reliable fact sets a good challenge to parents as to how they’d address the nutritional requirements of their baby in cases where breastfeeding is contraindicated and in the middle of lots of organic formula milk brands arranged on shelves of shops and supermarkets. If you have not been into your pediatrician’s clinic yet, this is the best time to go to for correct direction about your baby’s special nutrition. Apart from the three best organic baby formulas discussed earlier, your pediatrician might suggest cheaper and at the same time high quality products that would suit the requirements of your baby. It is usually best to seek an expert’s advice when health is concerned.

Mary Roberts is mother to 2 and loves to write about issues related to children and babies. Visit her website for detailed info about the best formula for your baby and other related health concerns.

Five Best Organic Baby Care Products

Go organic is the mantra that more and more people are chanting nowadays all over the world. Two things work in favor of organic products – non-use of chemicals and better worker policies. Organic baby products too are catching on fast. Parents love the fact that they are giving the best to their babies. Baby clothes, baby accessories and all baby stuff can today boast of being available in organic form. As a parent you can feel good knowing that your baby cannot be harmed in any way using these products.

Baby Wash and Lotion

These bath products contain herbal oils, plant based soaps rather than animal based ones, and natural fragrances. The advantages are less chance of skin problems and no fear that baby will get sick if product is ingested.

Baby Diaper Cream

One of the best organic baby care products available is organic diaper cream. Nothing is better on baby’s sensitive bottom than an all-natural ointment. Common ingredients used include essential herbal oils, natural beeswax and plant-based butters, none of which should cause irritation

Organic Baby Food

Organic baby food has been around since organic baby care products first starting hitting store shelves. Mashed and strained fruits and vegetables that earn the label “organic” are not sprayed with toxic pesticides, are cleaned with purified water and go through less processing than non-organic baby foods.

Organic Clothing

Around almost as long as organic food, organic clothing posses the same qualities as other organic baby care products. Natural materials, most commonly 100% organically grown cotton, lessen the chance of baby’s skin becoming irritated. Word to the wise; buy a size bigger than you need since organic cotton has a tendency to shrink.

Organic Toys

Parents know that babies put everything in their mouths, especially their toys. Protect your infant by purchasing organic toys that are made without toxic chemicals or harmful fillers. You won’t have to worry about allergic reaction or skin irritation.

Baby Shower