Baby Shower

A Few Tips On Enjoying The Last Months Of Your Pregnancy

The last few pregnant months that you go through can certainly be very difficult. You will be in a position where you are simply desperate to look upon your child for the first time and the waiting can be very difficult. However, during this time there are a number of things that you can do in order to enjoy the last few weeks and months that you have as a pregnant woman.

Certainly the last period pregnant women go through is very tricky. Often during this stage the nausea of pregnancy can return and as such morning sickness can return as well. You should therefore make sure you drink warm tea every morning in order to settle your stomach and then have a small breakfast. If you cannot eat or vomiting then call up your doctor as he may be able to prescribe you with something to quell the problem.

Another thing that you should always be doing is in getting up and going directly to the bathroom to empty your bladder every single morning. During this time in a pregant woman will find that they are lacking space with their uterus being entirely full and also their bladder being entirely full on many occasions as well. As such, when you wake up you should immediately go to the bathroom to relieve the pain and pressure.

Of course, at this stage your body will be working overtime to create a life with a new. It is therefore important that you do not waste any energy that you need on tasks that your partner can get done instead. As such, if you feel there is any housework that you need to get done forget about this and let your partner deal with it instead.

It is certainly also a very good idea for you to pamper and spoil yourself. You should be spending these last few weeks and months in doing so and you should not be getting too stressed about the other aspects of the pregnancy. Instead, try to enjoy this last time that you have as a pregnant woman.

During this time you should also be enjoying the closeness that you have with your partner. You should all be bundling together as a new family and you should let your partner rub your belly and enjoy the entire experience along with you.

When it comes to it, you may even miss being pregnant when it is all over, and so try to make the most of these last few weeks and months.

Are You Wondering About The Best Way To Feed Your New Baby?

Having a baby is one of the most exciting and scary experiences you will ever go through. There are going to be times when you don’t know what to do and there are going to be times when you feel as though you have been a parent forever. You will wonder while your baby is small what his or her favorite kind of food will be or what kind of music that your baby will grow up to love the best. These are the kinds of questions that run through every parent’s mind.

On your way home from the hospital with your brand new little one fastened in safely in a graco car seat is going to be a time that you will never forget. You are going to be thinking about so many things that you won’t be able to concentrate on just one for very long. What is this or what if that? Will you be able to do everything right as a parent? What if you make a mistake? These are just a few of the questions that you will be asking yourself as a new parent.

The first months of life for your baby will be spent sleeping and drinking milk. The best kind of milk is breast milk from mom. The babies who are breast fed don’t get sick as much as those babies that are fed man made formulas. The nutrients in a mother’s breast milk can’t be copied and put into a container on the store shelves.

Breast feeding your baby is a lot easier today than it was tears ago. If you decide to breast feed your baby now you will still be able to work and go places without worrying about your baby’s feeding times. All you will have to do is invest in a double electric breast pump. Using an electric pump that expresses milk from both breasts at the same time will save you a lot of time as opposed to using a manual pump.

Use only glass bottles for storing your breast milk for baby. Make sure the bottles that you use are freshly sterilized and have a good seal when you close them. Put warm bottles of fresh breast milk into the refrigerator right away to make sure they don’t have a chance to spoil.

When you start feeding your baby solid food you need to start light. You should start feeding your baby a cereal that is mixed with breast milk to start with. Table food will come at the age of five to six months and should only be foods like mashed potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes.

Buying baby food at the supermarket can get to be expensive. The best thing to do is to use a kitchenaid food processor and make your own baby food. You will know what is going in your baby and whether it is fresh or not. You also won’t have to worry about additives and preservatives.

Baby Changing Bags- Finding The Best Bag For Your Cute Baby

It is surprising just how much stuff a tiny baby needs when you take it out. The essentials that you need not being limited to a blanket, a change of clothes, spare nappies, tissues, wipes, and a toy.

To carry these things you obviously need a bag of some kind, and there are plenty of bags around to suit the purpose, so many in fact that the choice can be overwhelming. So, how do you choose the best one for your needs?

It must, of course, be lightweight – that is essential. With the weight of the baby, and even the smallest get heavy after carrying them for a while, and the combined weight of all the odds and ends you ca not do without, the last thing you need is an excessively heavy bag. So, clearly, the lighter, the better. Then, remember that you will be needing this bag for some time to come, so make sure the fabric is tough, and that the bag is sturdy and well-constructed.

Also, it is useful to buy a washable bag. Choosing one which you can just wipe clean can be handy, as creams and bottles have a habit of leaking, just when you are in a hurry. Then, for those of you who live in wet climates, make sure the bag is waterproof too.

For hygiene purposes, make sure there is a large enough pocket to store the dirty nappies in when you are out and about, so you can keep everything else clean. It really would be a nightmare to find that the change of clothes or the clean spare dummy has been dirtied too. And, having plenty of small side pockets will help you locate your baby’s things in a hurry, or even your mobile.

The next thing to consider is what added features it has. Whilst these are not essential, they can really make your life easier. Examples being having a bag with see-through linings, so that it is easier to find items hidden away at the bottom, or one with an insulated bottle carrier.

Other things to consider are whether you prefer carrying a rucksack, a holdall, or a satchel style bag. Depending on the design of your pushchair, you may find yourself running out of hands, especially on a shopping trip.

After all these considerations, the rest comes down to style and price. This may range from a few dollars secondhand, to as much as you are willing to pay. As for the style, well, choosing that is the fun part, with so many attractive bags on sale, so choose something that reflects your dress sense and lifestyle.

To you’d like to know more about what I think are some of the nicest baby bags available in the UK, take a look at some of these baby changing bags I recommmend for my readers to look at.

Safety of a Homebirth

Having your baby at home? Who does such things?  Didn’t that only happen back in the early days of our country when doctor’s had to go out to the prairie and deliver babies?

Not so.  There is a growing group of women who realize the benefits of a homebirth and having your baby at home.

It is called midwifery the practice of having your baby at home.  Although not doctors or nurses, people in this line of work called midwifery are professionally regulated.  I myself have seen the steady rise of homebirths through my practice as a San Diego certified midwife.

The people, generally women, who perform this line of work are called homebirth midwives.  Midwives is a more common term that people are familiar with and means a person who attends childbirth and provides support during labor and delivery.

Now why a midwife is usually not a doctor or nurse is because the practice of having your baby at home, or midwifery is generally the belief that pregnancy and birth are natural normal events.  This is in stark contrast with the medical model which relies on medicine to assist and improve the pregnancy and delivery.

That out of the way, lets take a look at why women are having their babies at home.  What are the reasons why women are choosing homebirths?

First off, with the continued presence of the midwife, the length of labor can be reduced.  Most women do not know that pain medications, although they do help with pain, actually makes the labor slow down.  This really causes more pain and the labor actuallly lasts longer.

Second, the techniques of midwifery actually reduces the likelihood of the need for forceps or other operative devices during delivery.  The process of naturally allowing the birh and delivery to occur is what causes the reduction of the need for those devices.

Third, cesarean delivery possbilities are reduced.  Most cesareans that happen in labor were because it was thought that a vaginal birth was not possible.  Either it was the baby’s safety that was in mind or the mother’s safety.  When in reality the complication was created because the natural birth process wasn’t allowed to happen.

These are just 3 of the benefits of having a natural birth at home.  There are plenty more benefits, but most women would agree for pregnancy these are 3 huge benefits. 

So although, most might consider it strange to want to have a child at home, studies have shown that allowing the natural birth process to happen is safer for the mother and the baby.  With over 300 births attended as a homebirth midwife in San Diego, this has proven to be the case time and time again.

Baby Shower