Baby Shower

Gift Registries Are More Than Glorified Wish Lists

There are times when we realize that we may not know a person as well as we thought we did. When you go to shop for a shower gift it could be one of those times. We you go and get the registry list from the store guest services and start browsing through it you may start to wonder if you got the right one.

Item after item something seems off to you, or maybe you are just learning more and more about this soon-to-be mommy. Her taste is different and new. The values that are communicated inadvertently do not fully mesh with the woman you know. Her life is about to change, and so will your friendship.

Your friend who has never worn a bow in her life, who would not be caught dead in a dress, has ladybug baby bedding at the top of her list. You look again to make sure that you have the right registry. You wonder what made her choose that set and can not decide whether or not to ask her. You start to question how well you really know her.

She is a thrift store junkie. She will not pay full price for anything, ever. She often complains about the store markup on things. Yet, designer baby bedding is topping that list. It is cute and adorable and completely unlike her. You wonder again how well you really know her.

She rarely thinks as far ahead as dinner. Planning for the future something that she has always seemed almost morally opposed to. You find convertible baby furniture is on her registry and you do not know what to make of it. The image you have of her is forever changed by a simple shopping trip.

The two of you text each other off and on all day long. You have known each other for what seems like forever. Now, the gift registry reveals much to you about her and her hopes for her life with her baby. It would seem that these registries do more than just ensure that you get what you want or need, while avoiding duplicates. That is really only the tip of the iceberg.

Becoming a mother changes everything. You may have to spend some time getting to know her all over again. She will be full of surprises. Thanks to her registry you have a head start on getting to know the person she is becoming. And you thought registries were glorified wish lists!

Baby Shower