Baby Shower

Toddlers Development Calls For New Skills

Imagine how much easier your daily life would be if your toddlers tantrums were easily managed. The end of toddler tantrums, bribery, screaming and crying. It may seem very unbelievable if you have ever lived with a toddler. However it does not need to be. It is amazing that when it comes to parenting, or using techniques to get the right toddler behavior, we often think it should be in built or come naturally. But more often it is not something pre programmed into parents.

We need to remind ourselves that parenting can be learnt and ask for assistance where needed. With good instruction, practice and repetition you can improve your skills and expand your knowledge. You can use these skills through out parenting different ages. The parenting skills we build up over time can be used on a daily basis in different situations. Who wants to admit, “I am not a very good parent, I cant handle my toddler.As a parent this is not something we want to freely admit.

I feel this is sad as parenting is really a learned skills. Tantrums and the behaviors associated with toddlers is just part of normal healthy development. It is a normal part of development but it can be made easier to manage. By learning and applying different techniques you can have your toddler behave the way you want. These foundation skills can be added to as your child develops through various stages.

As you do with other areas of your life, invest in your parenting skill development and in turn assist your child. Remember the baby tantrums are not a burden but a celebration of flourishing independence, mental development and most importantly an opportunity for parents to learn and develop new skills which they can keep and improve on through life.

Baby Shower