Baby Shower

Weaning Off Your Toddler From Pacifier

Specialists would like to see the pacifier removed as a sleeping help by four months of age. There are two methods to adjust this practice: gradually or cold turkey. Your approach depends on your baby’s personality; how attached they are to the pacifier; how much unrest you can handle and the entire atmosphere in which you reside.

Gradual weaning

You might claim this is for the momma’s baby – those of us who don’t wish to be kept up at evening. Basically you let the baby to go to sleep with the pacifier while you watch. When the baby slows his or her sucking, carefully take out the pacifier from their mouth. If the baby doesn’t let go, or mouths around for the pacifier, place it back in the mouth.  Wait a little longer and try again. Do this until you’re successful removing the pacifier – even if they are not quite asleep, which is actually the aim. Be consistent – every night – and constant.

Cold Turkey

Those of you planning to go cold turkey should supply some other form of security at bedtime for several weeks before you choose to eliminate the pacifier. On the day you choose it is time to take the pacifier, go through a similar bedtime routine but without the pacifier.  The new security object is offered to them instead of the pacifier. Depending on the baby’s age, you will likely leave baby in the crib to cry for several minutes.  You may return in a reassure him or her, but you should not get them out of the bed. If after an hour baby has still not fallen asleep, pick them up and rock them to sleep. You may need to follow this schedule for many days, and may wish to start with rocking, for child to get used to it.  At no time is the pacifier reintroduced for sleep time.

So, you didn’t understand 4 months was the period to quit the pacifier and you have a toddler (1 – 3 year old) who still sucks on the pacifier. There are a number of techniques for doing away with the pacifier; decide on what you think will work finest for your kid.

1.  Provide the pacifier to somebody who “requires” it more. Talk to your little one about individuals who don’t have all the things he or she does and mention that there is a child who really requires it.  Allow your little one to mail the pacifier to the child.
2.  Leave it for Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny – or maybe the tooth fairy. A gift left in exchange may aid soothe the insecurity of letting go of the pacifier.
3. Make the pacifier inedible, place hot sauce or something equally unpalatable for a youngster.
4. Only allow the pacifier while the kid is in the bed for a period of time prior to taking it away completely.
5. Lose it and do not purchase any more.  

Regardless of at what age, or with what approach, you take the pacifier away, it will probably not be a fun time for anyone. Hold you cool, be constant and have patience and within a few weeks all must be fine.

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Baby Shower