Baby Shower


Baby showers like any other party need not have to be grandious or too expensive to make them memorable and special. Once planned well, you can actually come up with one that’s budget-friendly, but still look and feel like you spared no expense.

When planning for a budget-friendly baby shower or any party for that matter, you have to remember that guests really doesn’t care about how much you have spent for the party. Noone cares and noone will know the details of the expenses unless you tell them. What matters are the memories created and that everyone have fun. Here are essential tips for a baby hower that will help cut down on the budget.

First and foremost is the guest list. It is often best to have a smaller group, because then you know that guests are the ones closest to the mom-to-be or the parents-to-be. Smaller group also makes the occasion feel more intimate, and therefore every moment feels more heartfelt and memorable.

Small group also is a lot easier to manage. You need not rent a place because you can easily fit everyone at home: in the living room or garden perhaps. And because you are already having the shower at home, means no need for fancy decor to make the venue feel cozy. Fewer guests also mean less food, so you can even opt for fancy meals and not worry on your budget

And because the guests are closest to the expecting mom or parents, mean that you need not worry so much about invitations. You can comfortably opt to use digital invitation. In addition, these guests would be more than glad to extend their support by helping out with the shower’s expenses: they will surely offer to help with the food or the decorations, among others.

If and when you can’t avoid to have big number of guests, then choose the perfect time where you can save on the food. Speaking of food, you can’t have a party without it, and it takes up almost half of the expenses. That is why picking the right time when to have the party is very significant, because time will dictate the kinds of food you need to serve.

If you hold the party around lunch or dinner time, then guests will expect to be served with meals, and that is quite expensive. Rather choose a time where guests have already taken their lunch or dinner. During this time it is fine to serve snacks instead of meals.

When serving snacks, choose finger foods because they are cheaper, easier to prepare, and you can easily make a lot of servings in a short time. Finger foods also can serve as decorations, you can be creative with the food presentations and all.

Everything these days has become digital, so why not your baby shower? You can choose to combine an in-person and virtual guests or go all the way virtual. Either will save you a lot on the budget for the venue and especially on the food. And also savesĀ  a lot of budget on the part of the guests, especially those who needed to travel far just to join an in-person shower.

Finally, the idea really for a budget-friendly baby shower is to “keep in small and simple.” Often, simple things makes the best moments and memories.

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Baby Shower