Baby Shower

Infant Colic Ideas You Must Try

When it comes to infant colic, the concern is not so much for the baby but rather the parent. You see, colic is not an illness or disease that a baby contracts. Infant colic is a term given to healthy babies that cry excessively and the reason is unknown. Yes, colic does not indicate that the baby is sick. Health wise, I would dare say the parents are more at risk then the baby because they would be suffering from exhaustion, sleep deprivation and trying hard not to lose their mind.

Babies cry for all sorts of reasons. That’s why some parents, especially new parents, wonder if their baby really has colic or their baby is just fussy. Parents that have had colicky babies before will assure you that it’s hard to NOT know. Colic crying sounds slightly different from baby’s cry for food or diaper change. The intensity is greater. You won’t call it crying but rather screaming that can burst your eardrum. It can also go on for many hours. Baby is inconsolable. You’ll also notice other symptoms such as red cheeks, distended belly, clenched fists and legs drawn up to their stomachs. It is common for colic to begin when baby is around 3 weeks old. About 3-4 months old, the colic will start to disappear. Most people report evenings as being the worse time. But not every colicky baby is the same. Some cry anytime or even worse, all the time.

So, is there a solution for colic?
You may think doctors have the answer, but sadly they don’t. They may very well tell you to just wait it out. The reason for this is because the medical world is still searching for the root cause of colic. Of course people have come up with some theories. But there is no definite answer. Widely accepted is the idea that baby’s pain is caused by built up gas in the tummy. Then there is also the idea that baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Sometimes it’s the milk formula being used. There isn’t a sure answer. That’s why discovering a colic baby remedy that works more often than not involves trial and error.

Below are some ideas that others have tried. Whether it works or not depends on the baby. Hopefully you hit the jackpot and baby responds well to your solutions.
1. Learn to swaddle baby
2. Carrying baby around in a sling
3. Infant massage
4. Have baby listen to white noise like the sound of vacuum or hair dryer.
5. Have baby suck on a pacifier. There are pros and cons to this.
6. Put baby on a vibrating clothes dryer.
7. Calm baby with a relaxing warm bath.
8. Change baby’s environment by going out for a walk.
9. Sing a lullaby.

Above are remedies to calm the baby. Let’s now consider solutions to help the parents. What can parents do for themselves? First of all, don’t blame yourself for what is happening. Don’t see yourself as a poor parent just because you can’t stop your baby from crying. Next, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Rope in your spouse, family, friends, neighbours and baby sitters to give you space to breathe. And don’t feel bad if you need to leave your crying baby for a little bit so you can gather yourself again. Remember, it’s important that you care for yourself too. Doing this is not a selfish act. If you feel empty inside, you cannot be the best parent that you can be. One more thing you can do is to seek out parents that have had colic children before. Having a shoulder to cry on may be just what you need to feel better. I’m sure you’ll find some in your community, if not try searching the internet. It helps to know that you are not the only one having to face this problem.

I know that you know your baby’s colic will not last forever. Unfortunately, waiting for the day that it will end seems to take forever. If you’ve tried everything and come to a dead end, click here for one more colic baby remedy that may be just what you are looking for. You may feel like life is against you right now. Make the best of things by being more optimistic.

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Baby Shower