How I Discovered One Of The Best Remedies For Colic!

Remedies for colic

It had been a long long day at work after being up all night with our new born. My wife rang me up and asked me to come home from work as our son was crying again and had been for the last few hours. He was only 2 weeks old and my better half was still exhausted from the birthing process.

But how am I able to help?

I was not sure what to do? We called in a breastfeeding specialist and she revealed that he was getting masses of milk as we were worried about his intake. She left us an entire heap of reading material on a selection of subjects. It was about eleven o’clock at night and it had been 10 hours of solid crying and no real relief. I was flicking through the material we were given earlier and found a paper clipping about a Doctor called Harvey Karp and his remedies for colic.

Silence is Golden

the manuscript went on to detail about Dr Karp’s work and his remedy for colic. After literally mins of applying his strategy my child was asleep in my arms. It blew me away how speedily this worked. For the following three months we used this method and still use it today with friends kids. There had been still times where I’d carry my boy around the house for hours so he could sleep. It got so far better than listening to him screaming.

The Happiest Baby on the Block

I had ordered all of Dr Karp’s products that were available at the time. They are actually called The happiest Baby On The Block. I reviewed and referred back to them continually till I accepted the fine details of his techniques. It is too much information to put in one post, so here are the basic points he covers in his literature :

The 5 S’s : straightforward steps that trigger the calming reflex ( swaddling, side / stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking ) The calming reflex only works if you can do it the correct way

The Missing fourth tri-mester : tough to comprehend, though it may appear babies are born a quarter too shortly.

The relaxing reflex : the easiest way to reset that automatic switch that may stop an infant’s crying to lift a child’s sleep in the first months of life.

The cuddle Cure : the way in which the five S’s can soothe even the most colicky infants

Colic Education

Dr Karp also covers off other subjects and questions that most frequently arise with his remedies for colic education. Many have benefited and testify to his ideas, information and delivering of a quality product. Some online reviews have revealed that the data can be a little too incessant in the book but they loved the DVD. Also the systems used are best for a baby aged 0-6 months. So if your baby is a little bit older keep your eye out for reviews on my site of other products to help soothe your baby.

What Next?

For me I found great information in Dr Karp’s literature and simple to access data with the concomitant DVD. Click here to check out his website and find out more about remedies for colic with Dr Harvey Karp and The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Natural Remedies For Colic

Natural Remedies for Colic

Colic is a regular phase in the life of an infant during the initial few weeks until the 3rd or 4th month. Doctors think that the extreme crying makes parents more aware of the obligation of raising a youngster.

There is no miracle drug that can help treat colic babies. Moms and dads will just have to be honest until their youngster is able to adapt to the new environment and use some natural treatments along the way.

One of the simplest ones mothers and fathers can use is music. This is probably the reason why lullabies were invented and those who don’t have a singing voice can acquire the same thing on compact disc. This should be placed whenever the young child is in the crib, that can help it, sleep comfortably.

Another natural remedy is the diet that the mum is having. Certain foods produce gas and when this is converted to milk, it is similar to passing on the same thing to the child. A dietitian can make a plan so this will not take place.

If the mom is no longer breastfeeding and is banking on milk concentrates, perhaps switching to soymilk in place of the regular kind can help the colic baby.

Some moms and dads think that the young child can survive on breast milk alone in the first few months. Babies likewise need water and this should be investigated before handing it over to their child. A good way to do this will be to read the ingredients on the side of the items label.

When a colic baby is crying, parents will usually carry the youngster. This works but since motion comforts most infants. If the mom is having a hard time carrying the infant, another way to do this will be to go out of the home.

The woman can put the newborn child in a carriage or strap it to the automobile seat so both mom and child can spend time in the park or for a joyride.

Babies at a young age also get tense. Giving the baby a rub down, a warm bath or using aromatherapy can help comfort the young child. The person can also use a hot bag and put this on the belly and making sure that the water is not too hot.

Babies are colic owing to the new environment. No one can blame the infant particularly when the home has been the mother’s womb for the first nine months. In order for the infant to slowly adjust, moms and dads can try swaddling or holding the young child close to the chest. This will make the baby reminisce how it was like before.

The varying natural treatments are effective. This may not work all the time so the moms and dads should try something different or a variation when things have not improved.

There are naturally treatments available that can treat colic babies. Moms and dads should discuss with the doctor first which one will do the job before administering it to the infant.

Moms and dads shouldn’t panic if the youngster is classified as colic. This is because it is not a condition and of course this is a prime indication that the newborn child is normal. Both the mom and father should be ready for some hard days ahead since there will be a lot of sleepless nights making one feel very exhausted.

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Solutions to Infant Colic

Everybody feels for a baby with colic. In fact, the people you should worry about more are the parents. Colic isn’t a sickness or disease that plagues the baby. It’s just excessive crying for unknown reasons in a healthy baby. Yes, colic does not indicate that the baby is sick. The ones that are really facing health risks are the parents because they are not getting enough sleep, they feel exhausted and frustrated and on the brink of going mad.

There are many reasons why babies cry. That’s why some parents, especially new parents, wonder if their baby really has colic or their baby is just fussy. Parents that have had colicky babies before will assure you that it’s hard to NOT know. Colic crying differs from a hunger cry or any other cry. It is highly intensed. It’s not crying, it’s more like screaming at high pitch. You may have to listen to it for hours. Baby is inconsolable. There are other accompanying colic symptoms such as flushed cheeks, prominent belly, fists clenched and legs pulled up to their stomachs. Colic can begin when baby is as young as three weeks old. Colic will end when baby is around three months old. Some colicky babies may follow a pattern and cry at the same time everyday. But that’s not always the case.

So, is there a remedy for colic?
We look to doctors to provide some kind of medical relief, but in the case of colic, there is not much they can do for you. You see, medically, they do not know what causes colic. There are multiple theories floating out there. Which one is the right one, no one can say for sure. One theory is that baby is suffering from too much gas in the tummy. Then there is also the idea that baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Even the kind of milk powder given to baby can turn out to be the root of the problem. Is there one theory that proves true in all cases? Not really. Therefore, finding a colic baby remedy is very much an experimental effort.

Some suggestions that may or may not work are:
1. Swaddle your baby
2. Carrying baby around in a sling
3. Massage techniques
4. Use white noise such as the sound of the vacuum
5. Have baby suck on a pacifier. Some people may not agree with this idea but if it can restore back some peace into your life, why not?
6. Use a baby gizmo such as bouncy seats or swings that come with a vibrating mode.
7. Use a warm bath to soothe the baby.
8. Give baby a change in scenery like taking baby to the park.
9. Use the power of music. If you can’t sing, get a nice CD.

The solutions above deals with the baby. Let’s now consider solutions to help the parents. How can parents help themselves? One very important thing is to quit the self blame. Don’t feel like you are a bad parent because you can’t console your baby. Also, don’t be stubborn and refuse help from others. Engage the help of your spouse, church members, neighbours, friends, family and maybe even a baby sitter. And don’t feel bad if you need to leave your crying baby for a little bit so you can gather yourself again. Do not neglect your own well being. Don’t feel like you are being selfish for doing so. If you feel empty inside, you cannot be the best parent that you can be. One more thing you can do is to seek out parents that have had colic children before. Having a shoulder to cry on may be just what you need to feel better. You can find such parents in your community or the internet. It helps to know that you are not the only one having to face this problem.

I know you’ve been told that this colic is just a phase and it will pass. I understand that when you are going through it, time just cannot go by faster. If you now lost for ideas, check out this one more colic baby remedy that could change your life. Taking care of children is like a roller coaster ride. You just have to do the best you can.

Infant Colic Ideas You Must Try

When it comes to infant colic, the concern is not so much for the baby but rather the parent. You see, colic is not an illness or disease that a baby contracts. Infant colic is a term given to healthy babies that cry excessively and the reason is unknown. Yes, colic does not indicate that the baby is sick. Health wise, I would dare say the parents are more at risk then the baby because they would be suffering from exhaustion, sleep deprivation and trying hard not to lose their mind.

Babies cry for all sorts of reasons. That’s why some parents, especially new parents, wonder if their baby really has colic or their baby is just fussy. Parents that have had colicky babies before will assure you that it’s hard to NOT know. Colic crying sounds slightly different from baby’s cry for food or diaper change. The intensity is greater. You won’t call it crying but rather screaming that can burst your eardrum. It can also go on for many hours. Baby is inconsolable. You’ll also notice other symptoms such as red cheeks, distended belly, clenched fists and legs drawn up to their stomachs. It is common for colic to begin when baby is around 3 weeks old. About 3-4 months old, the colic will start to disappear. Most people report evenings as being the worse time. But not every colicky baby is the same. Some cry anytime or even worse, all the time.

So, is there a solution for colic?
You may think doctors have the answer, but sadly they don’t. They may very well tell you to just wait it out. The reason for this is because the medical world is still searching for the root cause of colic. Of course people have come up with some theories. But there is no definite answer. Widely accepted is the idea that baby’s pain is caused by built up gas in the tummy. Then there is also the idea that baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Sometimes it’s the milk formula being used. There isn’t a sure answer. That’s why discovering a colic baby remedy that works more often than not involves trial and error.

Below are some ideas that others have tried. Whether it works or not depends on the baby. Hopefully you hit the jackpot and baby responds well to your solutions.
1. Learn to swaddle baby
2. Carrying baby around in a sling
3. Infant massage
4. Have baby listen to white noise like the sound of vacuum or hair dryer.
5. Have baby suck on a pacifier. There are pros and cons to this.
6. Put baby on a vibrating clothes dryer.
7. Calm baby with a relaxing warm bath.
8. Change baby’s environment by going out for a walk.
9. Sing a lullaby.

Above are remedies to calm the baby. Let’s now consider solutions to help the parents. What can parents do for themselves? First of all, don’t blame yourself for what is happening. Don’t see yourself as a poor parent just because you can’t stop your baby from crying. Next, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Rope in your spouse, family, friends, neighbours and baby sitters to give you space to breathe. And don’t feel bad if you need to leave your crying baby for a little bit so you can gather yourself again. Remember, it’s important that you care for yourself too. Doing this is not a selfish act. If you feel empty inside, you cannot be the best parent that you can be. One more thing you can do is to seek out parents that have had colic children before. Having a shoulder to cry on may be just what you need to feel better. I’m sure you’ll find some in your community, if not try searching the internet. It helps to know that you are not the only one having to face this problem.

I know that you know your baby’s colic will not last forever. Unfortunately, waiting for the day that it will end seems to take forever. If you’ve tried everything and come to a dead end, click here for one more colic baby remedy that may be just what you are looking for. You may feel like life is against you right now. Make the best of things by being more optimistic.