Baby Shower

Solutions to Infant Colic

Everybody feels for a baby with colic. In fact, the people you should worry about more are the parents. Colic isn’t a sickness or disease that plagues the baby. It’s just excessive crying for unknown reasons in a healthy baby. Yes, colic does not indicate that the baby is sick. The ones that are really facing health risks are the parents because they are not getting enough sleep, they feel exhausted and frustrated and on the brink of going mad.

There are many reasons why babies cry. That’s why some parents, especially new parents, wonder if their baby really has colic or their baby is just fussy. Parents that have had colicky babies before will assure you that it’s hard to NOT know. Colic crying differs from a hunger cry or any other cry. It is highly intensed. It’s not crying, it’s more like screaming at high pitch. You may have to listen to it for hours. Baby is inconsolable. There are other accompanying colic symptoms such as flushed cheeks, prominent belly, fists clenched and legs pulled up to their stomachs. Colic can begin when baby is as young as three weeks old. Colic will end when baby is around three months old. Some colicky babies may follow a pattern and cry at the same time everyday. But that’s not always the case.

So, is there a remedy for colic?
We look to doctors to provide some kind of medical relief, but in the case of colic, there is not much they can do for you. You see, medically, they do not know what causes colic. There are multiple theories floating out there. Which one is the right one, no one can say for sure. One theory is that baby is suffering from too much gas in the tummy. Then there is also the idea that baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Even the kind of milk powder given to baby can turn out to be the root of the problem. Is there one theory that proves true in all cases? Not really. Therefore, finding a colic baby remedy is very much an experimental effort.

Some suggestions that may or may not work are:
1. Swaddle your baby
2. Carrying baby around in a sling
3. Massage techniques
4. Use white noise such as the sound of the vacuum
5. Have baby suck on a pacifier. Some people may not agree with this idea but if it can restore back some peace into your life, why not?
6. Use a baby gizmo such as bouncy seats or swings that come with a vibrating mode.
7. Use a warm bath to soothe the baby.
8. Give baby a change in scenery like taking baby to the park.
9. Use the power of music. If you can’t sing, get a nice CD.

The solutions above deals with the baby. Let’s now consider solutions to help the parents. How can parents help themselves? One very important thing is to quit the self blame. Don’t feel like you are a bad parent because you can’t console your baby. Also, don’t be stubborn and refuse help from others. Engage the help of your spouse, church members, neighbours, friends, family and maybe even a baby sitter. And don’t feel bad if you need to leave your crying baby for a little bit so you can gather yourself again. Do not neglect your own well being. Don’t feel like you are being selfish for doing so. If you feel empty inside, you cannot be the best parent that you can be. One more thing you can do is to seek out parents that have had colic children before. Having a shoulder to cry on may be just what you need to feel better. You can find such parents in your community or the internet. It helps to know that you are not the only one having to face this problem.

I know you’ve been told that this colic is just a phase and it will pass. I understand that when you are going through it, time just cannot go by faster. If you now lost for ideas, check out this one more colic baby remedy that could change your life. Taking care of children is like a roller coaster ride. You just have to do the best you can.

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Baby Shower