Baby Shower Trivia Questions Game Ideas – Part 2

In my previous post, I shared a couple of trivia question games you can use for baby shower. Trivia question games, like the guessing games are a hit in any type of parties because they work well with all types of guests and are really exciting to play. But for baby shower, your trivia questions can revolve around baby-related themes, and there are a wide range of themes or categories to choose from. Here are additional trivia question game ideas for you.

  1.   Cartoon Babies

This is another exciting trivia activity that you and your guests will surely enjoy playing. For this game, your guests will need to channel their inner baby. Plus, it is really easy to organize.


– paper
– pens
– printer/photocopier
– timer


We’ve all been kids once, and we’ve all watched cartoons, even as adults. Some of us have had cartoon toys too.

Before the baby shower, prepare copies of worksheets. In the worksheet, draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write the names of cartoon or animated moms or dads.


– Homer (Dad) and Marge (Mom) Simpson – Bart, Lisa & Maggie (Children)

On the right side of the line will be for the cartoon’s child/baby’s name, so leave that side blank. Print copies of worksheets enough for your guests.

This game is best played in pairs or small groups of 3 or 4. During the game, distribute the worksheets and pens. Ask them to write on the blank side of the worksheet – the names of the cartoon’s child/baby. Set the timer to 8 to 10 minutes. The pair or group who makes the most correct answers will win.

  2.   Famous Firstborn

This game is also fun and challenging. It focuses on history, pop culture, and others. It puts your guests’ memory and knowledge to a test.


– list of famous parents
– pens
– computer
– printer/photocopier
– answer key
– timer


For this game, you will need a little bit of research. You can ask the parents-to-be for help. List 15 to 20 famous parents from different categories: pop culture, history, sports, celebrities, and the likes. Mix them up so that you give your guests the opportunity to guess right. Print-out copies of this list enough for your guests.

This is where your research would come in – you need to research for the name of the famous parent’s “eldest” child. In your master list or answer key, write the name of the eldest child opposite the parent’s name. Print a copy for yourself.

You can play this game in pairs or in small groups of 3-4, depending on the number of guests you have. Provide each pair or group a copy of the printed list of famous parents. Ask them to write the name of the eldest child opposite each famous parent. Set the timer to 8-10 minutes, depending on the number list you have.

When the time is up, pairs or groups will exchange papers. You or the parents-to-be can read out the names of the eldest child of the famous parents from your answer key or master list. The pair or group who gets the most correct wins.

Finally, trivia games works best when played in groups rather than individually. You can mix them with guessing games for they are quite alike. I have shared other trivia question and guessing game ideas in my previous posts. Hopefully, you will find them interesting, and help you while you are organizing your own games for your upcoming baby shower. Remember, like I always say in my previous posts – make sure that you are having as much fun as your guests.

Baby Shower Trivia Questions Game Ideas

Trivia Question Games are a favorite in every parties, and it works well with any type of people. Thus, it really works for baby showers too. They are challenging, fun to play and provides opportunity to mingle.

These games are so much like the guessing games that I have shared in the previous post. The trivia questions can revolve around the parents or baby theme.

Here are some interesting ideas for your trivia question games.

  1.   Nursery Rhymes

Lets travel back to our childhood with this fun trivia game. Whether you are a parent or not, we’ve all been kids too and we’ve been around kids at some point in our lives. So, who hasn’t heard of nursery rhymes?

The trivia questions for this game revolves around favorite or popular nursery rhymes.


– paper and pens
– computer
– printer or photocopier


Type a snippet or some lines from nursery rhymes or some famous lullabies/baby songs. Leave some parts of the lines or the end, blank.

Print out copies enough for your guests, and a couple of extra for reserve. Print out a master copy as well, with the complete version that you will use for checking or better yet, have recorded audio copy of the nursery rhymes or lullabies that you can play when checking their responses.

This game can be played in pairs or in small groups. During the game, distribute the worksheets and pens. Ask your guests to fill-in the blanks with the missing lyrics – words or phrases to complete the line. Set the timer to five minutes, depending on the number of items in your worksheet. The pair or group who gets the most correct wins.

  2.   Name that Tune

This is so easy to prepare and put together. Your trivia questions will revolve around baby songs. It is fun and challenging, and brings out the musical side of your guests.


– playlists of baby songs or lullabies


Create a playlist of baby songs. You can actually download from streaming sites. Cut a snippet of the baby songs (10 to 15 seconds), and have a master list for the titles.

Divide your guest into 3-4 groups, depending on the number of guests you have. During the game, gather around the groups. Assign post for each group, and a leader for each group who will raise their hand after the que.

You will play the snippet of a baby song twice. Then, you will give them 10 seconds to think of the title. When you say, GO!, the leaders of each group will raise their hand. The first to raise will have the chance to guess the title first. If the guess is wrong, you will say GO! again and the remaining groups will get the chance.

If the group shouts out their guess before their leader could raise his/her hand, they will loose their turn. The group who makes the most correct guesses wins.

  3.   Mom or Dad

This one revolves around the mommy or daddy or both. It is really fun because it will show if the guests knows the mommy or daddy so well.


– list of trivia questions about the mommy and daddy
– marker
– metacards


Before the baby shower, you will need a bit of preparation with the help of the parents-to-be. Make a list of trivia questions about the parents-to-be. Make sure to write the response opposite each question for checking.

The trivia questions will be about the parents-to-be’s childhood, teenage years, student life, present life. The questions can refer to the parents invidually or together.

Make sure to mix up questions from different stages of the parents-to-be’s lives and have atleast equal number of questions for each stage and for both mom and dad or together to give your guests chance to answer. Some guests may know more about the mom than the dad or the other way around. Also, they might know the parents-to-be from different stages of their lives.

Examples of trivia questions:

– what is mom or dad’s favorite movie/color/food?
– what year did they meet?
– what is their wedding date?
– what year was mom or dad born?
– what is mom or dad’s childhood pet?
– what is the name of the elementary school mom or dad went to?

Divide your guests into groups of four or five. During the game, the groups will all stand around like in a quiz bowl with you at the center as the quiz master. Read aloud the trivia questions twice. Then, give them 15 seconds to discuss within their group and to write down their answer on the metacard. When you say Go! The group will hold up their answer written on the metacard. The parents-to-be will take note of the group who gets the correct guess. The group will get 1 point for each correct response. The group who gets the most points wins.

These are just few trivia game ideas, I will post more later. There are many other trivia games you can actually come up with. What is great about these games is that they work really well whether your baby shower guests are co-ed or family. Make sure that you don’t play them individually to make it more fun and challenging, and to give your guests opportunity to mingle and get acquainted while having fun.

And like I always say in the previous posts – make sure that in any part of the shower party, you – as the host must enjoy yourself too.