Flexibility, Add-ons, and Options are What Make For for a Good Twin Stroller

Any good double stroller can simply accommodate a tiny baby and an older toddler. But what makes the Kolcraft Contours Options Tandem II stroller stick out from the gang is its versatility, accessories and optional setups. With so many configurations and such versatility, everybody will be comfortable irrespective of where their travels take them.

It is intended to fit two youngsters in rear and front seats with multiple configurations. The youngsters can ride in 6 different setups including both facing the rear, facing each other, and both facing forward. The youngsters can also travel back to back, or with only the front seat and the back being used for storage, or maybe with a child auto seat. To discover how children have enjoyed the different perspectives supplied by the multiple seating selections, you must consult Kolcraft {Contours} review info. Parents appreciate that their youngsters can easily be faced away from each other when needed and that they can be reclined to sleep or rest too.

The option to use an infant car seat is particularly crucial for many , and this model can be used with brands like Chicco, Britax, EvenFlo, and Baby Trend. Other safety features include a five-point harness system that keeps the riders from jumping out and in without supervision. The safety harness includes padded sleeves and there’s a body bar also. For infants, there’s also the choice of using an infant head rest.

Under the seats is a large basket storage area, and there are 2 cup holders for the adults. For the youngsters, there are two cup holders as well that swivel out of the way minimising mess from overturned drinks when children climb in and out. One of the best features is the step-in attachment for getting into and out of the rear location. This is particularly nice when toddlers continually want to get out and in so the constant lifting does not tire anyone out.

Parents and children alike will enjoy the iPod Dock with included speakers. Folding it’s a single-handed operation as it has a fast trigger fold system that makes folding it simple. It folds flat for transporting and also includes a free-stand system that permits it to stand up vertically. For storing in a closet or garage with limited horizontal space, this is one of the best features.

To find out more about the Kolcraft Contours Options or other top strollers like the Phil and Teds Explorer, you can read double stroller reviews at the internet site site site DoubleStroller-Reviews.com. These reviews are created by parents and mavens who understand what’s vital when picking a double stroller and have exploited the model and experienced the great accessories and flexibility.

Double Jogging Strollers: For Your Active Lifestyle

Travel down a residential street, and you’ll see many double jogging strollers in use today. They are becoming a very popular choice for the active lifestyles of young families.  When your young kids are still too young to travel on their own, and you are looking to stay energetic and fit, then a jogging stroller is a fantastic option to consider, whether you like to run or take regular walks.

A double jogging stroller lets you do the following: (1) you can go for a run whenever you want, (2) you can bond with your small children while you exercise, (3) your young children are exposed to clean, fresh air, and (4) you are exposing your kids to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.  If you are now convinced this is what you are seeking, then a great choice for a double jogging stroller is the BOB Revolution Duallie.

Research has shown that adults should participate in a fitness activity a minimum of three times per week. With the constant time pressures being placed on today’s Moms and Dads, double jogging strollers are a great way to exercise and spend time with your young children. For Moms who want to get back into shape after child birth, to Dads who want to juggle time with their children and maintain their fitness regiment, a double jogging stroller is a great lifestyle option.

Few differences can be found between a double jogging stroller and a single-seat stroller. There are two main types of double jogging strollers: the tandem (one seat behind the other) or the side-by-side double stroller. Along with seats for two children, more storage space can also be found in a double jogging stroller.  Great for when you are traveling or shopping.  A double jogging stroller also substitutes for a basic double stroller. You can use it to shuttle your kids around town, but with the option of lifestyle versatility. Such is the Revolution Duallie, a popular choice by today’s parents.

Now that you are contemplating the merits of a double jogging stroller, there are certain things to factor into your decision as you research different brands and models:

1). as mentioned above, tandem or side-by-side seating for the babies or toddlers.
2). wheel size and quality of tires for ease of use and child comfort.
3). suspension system for child comfort and ease of use.
4). child harness system for child safety.
5). materials used in manufacture and light weight components is a must for quality and maneuverability.
6). price relative to overall quality.

By taking the above into account, you and your young children should have unlimited hours of quality outdoor time together, not to mention, a more healthy living lifestyle.  It is no wonder that today’s time constraints placed on young parents, has led to the popularity of the double jogging stroller!

The BOB Revolution double stroller is one of the best double jogging strollers in its class.  You may want to consider one today.