The Best Choice of Toys For Your Bath

Bath times can either be great fun or a real drag for both parents and children alike. Kids don’t often enjoy being cleaned and unless bath time is made to be fun, they will make such a fuss you’ll regret putting them in the bath in the first place. There are some great bath toys that can supplement bathing perfectly and get everyone enjoying themselves,  here are the best 3.

Rubber ducky. You really cannot have a bath without the iconic rubber duck. Its not too hard to see why it is consistently the best selling bath toy in shops. Having a animal in the bath is always great fun for children and especially one that can squirt water and bop up to the surface time and again. They’re simple but perfect, so make sure you have a few.

Squirters.If your rubber duck comes without a water squirter then its worth getting a separate one. Its great fun for kids to be able to spurt water in the bath and they can do so without doing any damage or getting anything wet that shouldn’t be. On top of this, if your struggling to get your child to wash themselves in the bath, a squirter is a fun way to get them wet and get them clean. Just fill up the squirter and give them a good wash down with it.

Stick on numbers. There can often be more to bathing than just playing.  Kids learn best when they are relaxed and enjoying themselves  so it’s good to have some learning toys or educational toys that can be used in the bath as well. There are a number of such toys that are suitable for water such as the box of shapes that teaches children how to select the right hole for individually shaped block. The best choice though are the foam sticky numbers.Children are able to brush up on their math whist also learning about the physical qualities of water and the notion of friction.