Discipline: A Parents Role

Summary: the article reiterates the parent’s role in disciplining the child. It also highlights why disciplining is important.

Every child is unique. One enjoys the taste of sweets; another does not go near sweets. Being parents we look to each and every child’s needs. Discipline is important. The child has to clearly understand that all of his/her actions have consequences.

When it comes to disciplining, I am not a fan of spanking and would not suggest you to do so as well. Ensure that you have rules for your child. You also have to explain to the child why these rules are set. Everyone in the house must obey these sacred rules. If you break it, you pay for the consequences. The child is then given a clear path as to how he/she should behave. The child is then given a clear path as to how he/she should behave. From here the child learns, experientially, right actions and wrong ones.

A parent should not back down when it comes to disciplining the child. Take responsibility towards your child’s attitude and behavior. Your child’s mind set towards life is your duty and responsibility. Attitude’s are picked up and can be changed. Show the child that a different mindset is all that is needed for the child. This way he/she will have be able to face challenges.

When your child breaks a rule, you must ensure that he/she is punished accordingly. This will teach your child that every action comes with consequences and we have to be responsible for our actions. Never allow things to slide often. A child that is reprimanded for what he/she does, learns to deal with the consequences. This is a very good life learning experience for the child. It will be with them throughout their lives.

When it is time to discipline your child, be clear that it is the action that needs to change and not the child itself. Criticizing the child and making him feel guilty will not help them one bit. Use words like “Clean up now” or  “remember the rules…” when you need to correct them. Do not make them feel small about themselves.

Use positive words when you talk to them. We do not want to nurture inferiority complex in them now would we? Let them know you are angry towards their deeds. Choose to be a nurturing parent, one that shows the child that you have to take responsibility for your actions and make them see that actions can change. Nurture them well.

Find out more about discipline tips at this website about Better Toddler Parenting.

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